It's 1984. And a lot is happening. Kaiju have started attacking Earth. The militaries are powerless against them. The mass extinction of humanity, may have begun.
Warning: Ice Age references are bound to show up.
Mechagodzilla's hands rotated. Godzilla eyed the machine with suspicion.
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Mechagodzilla's hands began rotating at lightning speeds. Then, the finger missiles were launched. The missiles exploded on Godzilla's wounds, and he roared out in pain. Mechagodzilla opened its mouth, and flames spewed out. At this point, Godzilla decided to fight back. He began charging up his atomic breath. Before he could fire it, Mechagodzilla fired more missiles. Then, one of them exploded on Godzilla's back, and it blew off a dorsal plate. Godzilla roared out. Then, they ground under Mechagodzilla collapsed.
Mechagodzilla was in Anguirus' tunnels. It detected movement, and fire some missiles. Then, Anguirus emerged from the dirt. He rolled into his shell, and barreled into Mechagodzilla.
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Mechagodzilla fell to the ground. Then, Project: Atragon emerged from the sediment. "Alright men, aim the drill for the mecha." the commander ordered. The Gotengo's drill activated, and it flew towards Mechagodzilla. Mechagodzilla began firing its space beams, and rotated its head at lightning speeds. Then, a defensive neo barrier formed. The drill was heavily damaged, but the Gotengo was alright. When the defensive neo barrier fell, Mechagodzilla burst from underground.
Godzilla was tired. Mothra was helping him sit down to rest. Then, Mothra looked on as the ground exploded, and Mechagodzilla burst out. Luckily, Rodan flew over, and fired his uranium heat ray at the mecha. Then, the Gotengo burst from the underground from the hole, and fired its freeze ray. They vapor froze Mechagodzilla's joints. The crew inside acted quickly, and activated the internal heating system. Mechagodzilla fired its space beams, and the rear of the Gotengo. Anguirus burrowed from underground. Godzilla tried firing his atomic breath, but without the dorsal plate (which was blasted off), he was unable to. Mothra defended him with her antennae beams. The crew inside felt that since they were surrounded, they best run. But then, Baragon burst from underneath Mechagodzilla. His nasal horn lit up, and he fired his magma breath upon the mecha. With the help of its internal cooling system, few joints melted. The jets fired up, and Mechagodzilla flew off.
As Mechagodzilla flew off, Anguirus came to Godzilla. His chest wound was slowly healing. "Годзилла, ты в порядке?" he asked. "I... I'm fine. Just... give me... time to... rest." Godzilla said before passing out. Mothra felt for his heartbeat. It began to slow, but it didn't stop. "В последний раз, когда он отключился, он уснул на 5 лет." Anguirus remarked. "If only there was a way to jump start his heart." Rodan said. They looked at Mothra. "I can't! I could never dream of hurting him." Mothra exclaimed. Rodan facepalmed. "Look, it's either you don't shock him, and we risk his death, or you shock him, and his heart speeds up." Battra said. "Баттра, где ты был?" Angurius asked. "Sleeping." he replied. They all looked at Mothra. Anguirus walked over, and put his paw on her wing. "Мотра, послушай. если ты не шокируешь Годзиллу, он может умереть." he said. Mothra nodded. Then, she charged up her antennae beams, and shocked Godzilla.
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In almost an instant, Godzilla's chest wound healed, his leg healed, and his dorsal plate sprouted. There was no need for the walking stick. Godzilla was panting. he felt for his right eye, and it still wasn't there. "Годзилла, прости за глаз." Anguirus said. "Anguirus... it's fine." Godzilla replied. Mothra walked to Godzilla, jumped into his arms, and they kissed. "This is disgusting." Rodan whispered to Battra. Battra walked to Anguirus. "Why are they kissing?" he whispered. "Чувак, дай им насладиться моментом." Anguirus whispered back. Godzilla and Mothra stopped kissing. "Alright guys, let's move out." he said. The kaiju followed Godzilla to the sea. Rodan and Mothra took flight. Anguirus, Godzilla, Battra, and Baragon took the sea. They were ready to confront Mechagodzilla for the last time.