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louis: how was school

styles: shit as per usual i hate it there

louis: wanna talk about it

styles: nope

louis: are you sure love

louis: you can rant to me all you like if you want i will listen and not judge i promise

styles: are you sure

louis: of course love

styles: okay well. i could barely fall asleep last night like i was up tossing and turning until about 3am and then my alarm went off at 6 so i'm currently surviving off three hours of sleep. and then i had to walk to school and it was tanning and i didn't have an umbrella so i got drenched. and then as per normal my bullies were bullies and every time i try and tell a teacher abt the shit they do they only become worse. and then durning last period today we had a pop quiz for history like seriously. oh and i'm pretty sure i'm getting sick cause of the rain.

louis: shit k hope you feel better soon

styles: thanks

louis: who are your bullies if you don't mind me asking

styles: why it doesn't matter anyways

louis: please tell me harry

styles: fine nick grimshaw, edward smith and ed sheeran

louis: wait they are in my grade

styles: yeah

louis: i swear to god i'm gonna fuxking kill them

styles: LOUIS NO

louis: no harry idc you're my friend now and nobody bullies you

louis: i'm going to be at school tomorrow and as soon as you see them heading towards you you message me okay send me your location and i'll give them a piece of their own medicine

styles: thanks and all but how are you going to beet up three bullies all by yourself

louis: you know my friends liam payne and zayn malik right

styles: yeah they are like some of the most popular guys in school besides yourself

louis: ha yeah well they'll help me out ;)

styles: you really don't have to i can take it

louis: no i do they are complete dip shits

styles: thank you

louis: anytime love

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