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curly: hey

louis: omg are you okay where gave you been the past two weeks ?!

curly: um yeah i got into a car accident and i've been in hospital since and my phone was at home the whole time sorry

louis oh shit no there is no need to be sorry

louis: are you okay

louis: are you still in hospital

curly: yeah i am still in hospital i um i have a broken leg and i had a concussion

louis: holy shit does fiz know

curly: urh no not yet i just got given my phone and you were the first person i wanted to text so i'm yeah can you tell her maybe

louis: of course love i'll do it now just give me a few minutes

curly: okay text me when you're back

louis: i'm back but fiz is in my arms she is so worried can we come see you in hospital

curly: um sure i'm in doncaster private

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