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styles: km not coming today so don't worry about anything

louis: why aren't you going to school

styles: because i'm now sick

louis: oh i hope you're okay

louis: i'm still gonna beat the shit out of them tho

styles: no please don't

louis: why they are dicks they deserve it

styles: i know that but it is most likely going to add fuel to the fire

louis: i will protect you i promise

styles: thank you :)

louis: of course love

louis: so tell me what is your favourite soup

styles: pumpkin why?

louis: same! ahah

louis: i'm just trying to get to know you better.

styles: oh

louis: who are you friends with? like at school who do you hang out with

styles: felicity tomlinson, niall horan and elenour calder

louis: wait felicity tomlinson as in my sister felicity

styles: um yeah we have been hanging out for a few years now

louis: oh shit so you're the harry she talks about when she talks about some harry guy

styles: i guess that's me

louis: i will talk soon i gotta drive to school and beat up some dickheads

styles: okay bye good luck and don't get hurt yeah?

louis: i'll try but anything for you love :)

styles: thanks you once again

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