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Purple wasn't Ela's favourite colour. In fact, she hated it. Satin curtains that floated over the window as the morning light peeped from behind were purple in colour. She turned away. The darkness inside the room soothed her nerves better.

"Do you hate me?" she asked Shomak.

"I could ask you the same question," Shomak shrugged. He was sitting beside her on the bed, though not close enough to touch her.

"No, I don't," Ela said.

"Well, neither do I."

It was like a closing statement. To bring an end to the conversation before she even thought of starting it.

"I don't know why I screamed." She said that more to herself than to Shomak.

"Good that you screamed. It was required." He smiled. Ela didn't.

He lifted his hand and placing his thumb and index finger on either side of Ela's lips he stretched it a little. Ela closed her eyes and smiled; for him.

"I missed your smile." He said looking at her. She was exhausted. A dark shadow had fallen over her face. Shomak, however, saw beyond it. She wasn't going to give up, that was sure. 

"Is it the same?" Ela asked.

He nodded.

Their moment of peace was disturbed by Ragnik, as he barged into the room with Nishi walking in calmly behind him. He switched on the lights and asked, "When are you leaving?"

Ela blinked at his sudden question.

"You are asking us to get out?" Shomak stood up and turned with a mocking grin.

"Yes!" Ragnik stated. 

"Ragnik?" Ela stared at him in confusion.

"That's because he too wants to leave!" Nishi smirked. "With you two here, he thinks he is responsible and hence staying back, out of his will, you know."

"Since you know me so well, why aren't you taking them back with you so that Shomak can go back to his home and I can leave this place!" he irritatingly stared at Nishi.

"Relax, we all will leave!" Nishi tried to calm him down.

"No, I cannot trust this person around Madhumita Sanyal for one more second!" he pointed at Shomak. "Did you see how he kept on siding with her? He is my friend, he was supposed to be on my side and not listening to whatever nonsense she spoke!" 

"Remind me one instance when I sided with her. I was trying to prevent you from murdering your own mother!" Shomak somehow enjoyed teasing him while Ragnik was fuming. 

Nishi laughed which made Ragnik furious. He was picked up a pen stand to throw it at Nishi but then decided against it. 

Ela glanced between the three of them. While Ragnik was seriously angry Shomak and Nishi looked amused. "Can someone please explain?" 

Blowing air over Ragnik's face Nishi said, "Ela, you see, Ragnik is afraid that Shomak might listen to aunt Madhu's every word and do as she instructs like her obedient students. He also afraid that Shomak might even force him to speak to her."

"I am not!" Ragnik's jaw tightened. Shomak chuckled and Ragnik glared at him.

"That is really Madhumita Sanyal, your mother?" Ela cautiously asked. She just wanted to make sure that the lady was old enough to be a mother of two men and grandmother of a nineteen-year-old.

"Unfortunately!" Ragnik exclaimed.

"Oh. But what's unfortunate in that? And why don't you trust Shomak around her?" she got even more confused.

Sun Moon & Stars Volume II Call Of The Skull MenWhere stories live. Discover now