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"Why the fuck is Irene in this fucking house?!" Donghyuck snarled at Mark. He woke up after blacking out and the first thing he sniffed was that bitches scent. The Alpha stayed silent.

"Honey relax. You are weak don't strain yourself!" Mrs Lee tried to touch the pregnant wolf, he spat at her his eyes blazing gold.

"How the fuck can I relax with a slut sneaking into my house and territory?!" He screamed, he was in terrible pain, his puppies were hungry, they kept clawing at him. His pregnancy wasn't nothing like the first, this time it was twice as hard and he wasn't even sure how many he was carrying.

"This isn't a time for battles Hyuck!" She tried to touch him, the Omega wasn't going to back down.

"I pick my battle because I know I'm going to win the world, I'm ready for whatever comes my way. I won't bow, I won't break. I'm a Luna, I fight for my pack, I'll survive. I want that slut out of the house." Donghyuck stumbled downstairs, he was met with everyone having heavy faces, he knew they were waiting for him to react. Haneul bounced slowly towards him and licked his shin, sighing Donghyuck crouched to carry his puppies.

"Hyuckie." Mark finally found his voice when his wife took their puppies outside to feed.

"Baby Pup.......She's my sister and Mom insisted in bringing her in." Mark had that fear in his eyes, his heart beat rapid, he was shaking as he fell on his knees and started crying into Donghyuck's baby bump. The omega softened as he took his husband's height then cupped his pale cheeks, those red orbs drenched in fear. "I would never hurt anyone! Why would I rape someone Hyuckie? If I wanted pleasure I have you and we always have sex and make love. She's lying. I swear she's lying. The jury would be coming, the news has reached them. I'm scared. I love you and I would never cheat on you."  He shook so much that their puppies stop drinking their milk and started licking daddy's cheeks. "T-They'd take you guys away from me!! She doing this to force me to marry her. I'm not my father Baby." The Alpha broke down terribly on his wife's shoulder.

"I trust you Love, Do you think I'd suspect you? She's a bitch to start with, but why is she behaving like your father? I thought she was someone else's daughter right?" Donghyuck wiped his mates tears and kissed Marks forehead.

"Dad raped Mom without her knowledge a long time back, he was a herderer so he lost track of who he raped and claimed. Ten told us a few hours ago, Irene is her first child whom she thinks was from her lover but was Dad's actually that pervert of a Alpha. Pup I'm afraid. I really am, everyone is looking at me with disgust, they believe her I suppose." Mark's lips trembled, he cuddled his puppies, his heart wrenching as he cried into them.

"Look at me." Donghyuck ordered his Alpha, The older looked up his red eyes meeting those gold orbs. "I sore to protect you......And I will. I know my man would never do that, I saw your pain in person, I felt it down my core. It's like I lived through that along with you. No matter what the world tells me, I'll trust you with my whole life. I love you." The Omega kissed Mark on the lips, it was sweet, slow and passionate as he carefully got up with the help of his husband.

"Baby you are weak." Mark wrapped an arm around the pregnant waist. "You are carrying three this time." He whispered as Michael shifted into the golden black wolf and bounced standing on his hind legs, letting his cute tongue hang out.

"Love me." Donghyuck looked at Mark.

Irene thought she succeeded in sneaking into the Lee's territory, she sat on the living room couch pretending to play victim after killing her own children. They deserved better. Little did she know what was happening upstairs inside Marks room. Win-win had the twins playing with him, everyone trusted Mark, they just on their highest point of caution.

"Ahhh!!!" Donghyucks stubby arms gripped tighter on his mates arm as he bucked his hips in pleasure, he was pregnant, weak, vulnerable, on the verge of loosing his life and his mate, yet he wanted this. His mate on him, you can't blame the pregnant omega. Also the golden beauty was the loudest wolf at the time of mating. Irene choked on her drink when the Omega's moans resonated the whole house.

They went on for hours, regardless of time, Mark always lost his mind when he was buried inside his wife. As the jury assembled at the mountain with kun, two small chonky puppies trotted in front, followed by their Daddy the Lycan Alpha making his way with his wife on his back. The power the couple held always mesmerized their clan. The perfect duo to rein a legacy.

"You still ride the Alpha who raped another Luna with audicity?" The old Man scoffed at Donghyuck, the gorgeous male smirked.

"I'm here not to listen to your bullshit about how you take your sluts side. My Alpha is pure, he's never touched no one but I. I'm here to put forth my rules as the Luna, Irene attacked Jaemin, tried to kill him but failed for he ran home sooner. So before she started her drama, Moon search parties were on the run to catch the bitch. Mark was with my father, grandmother and Jaehyun so this is a fucking drama I'm not going to tolerate. I've said what I had to say." Donghyucks eyes blazed a liquid gold as he shifted into his golden wolf self, his pregnancy no longer a secret. He pranced on Irene, shredding her into shreds. He then howled into the darkness, with his fangs dripping of blood. He was in pain, so he turned to his clan.

"Kill them.......Wipe out the race." Donghyuck climbed a high rock as he laid down panting heavily, His puppies following. Mark nodded, he lead the pack after the jury. The were a large clan, with over 23 wolves and vampires.

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