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Baby Pup,
I had to run to school,
So I left you in your nest,
Our puppies are Healthy,
Just cold,
So keep warm until I'm back,
If you are good,
I'll take you out to the mall.
I love you
So much

Haechan woke up to a small yellow sticky note on his baby bump, he was still raw after last night's intense love making session. Giggling he pulled on Marks hoodie and a boxer since he had already been clean that morning. An Omega who was carrying changed alot at the period of pregnancy, so did Hyuckie, he started growling at everyone except Mark, he would snarl and spit when he sensed anyone coming closer. So everyone decided to let the couple stay alone until further notice.

"Come home already. It's cold, it's snowing and I want you." Donghyuck whimpered over the phone, he was still on his fifth month. Mark chuckled as he cut the call and texted his mate.

Markie Love.
I'm on my way baby.😘

Hyuckie Pup🐺
Should I get dressed?
I've been a good baby.

Markie Love.
Sure. I'll be there in five.

Donghyuck happily pulled on his mates sweatpants and practically squealed when Marks car pulled over. Carefully he made his way to the car, his husband opened the door and he sat down on the passenger seat.

"I mished you." The golden beauty pouted, the older chuckled again, as he leaned forward to click the seat belt lock and he kissed the Omega on his mating mark, he bit it once more and sloppily licked it.

"You are such a hotmess.....Must you scent mark me again? Hehe. Now I get you marked me down there last night." Giggled the younger. "I know I'm horny but can we have sex before we go out? You kind of aroused my homornes." Haechan whispered as he was carried inside the house like a bride and placed on his nest.

Mark thought mute, knew how to love his bundle of love just right. He loved his Omega so much that sometimes he looses his control over the cutie. Haechan though enjoyed marking his Alpha on the chest, especially the hot feeling of having your mate move with your naked body was bliss.

"I'll never get tired of how good you are at fucking me." Donghyuck giggled again, moaning at the playful bites his mate gave him on his swollen breasts and buddy nips.

It was by evening that they finally let go of each other, after of course Mark sucking the hell out of Haechans dick, all in all they cuddled in bed for hours until the Omega got his strength back and showered so they could finally go out.

"Markie me want that!!" Haechan bounced cutely asking for the big teddy bear at the mall. His baby bump prominent under the Barbie pink shirt and short shorts, Mark was so warm he just clung onto the male. It was very cold but the Omega was stubborn. His candy pink nipples showed and his chest was too revealing.

"This too!!" The younger squealed. The Alpha was mad at his wife, he made signs at the younger and the Omega purposely did a wiggle so his cute small round swollen breasts would wobble.

Everyone is staring!!
Stop being a naughty puppy please.
You are mine and only mine!

Mark wrote on his phone, the younger  giggled again, as the older removed his jacket and made the Omega wear it. Haechan waddled about cutely, many stayed away from him even though he was such a gorgeous Omega, pregnant and flawless.

"Markie!! We should get these! My boobies are getting bigger! Shouldn't I Noona?" Haechan pouted at the lingerie section at one of the clothes stores. He pointed at a red bra and Mark started blushing and glaring.

"Yes you should, how many puppies are you having?" The blonde girl asked with a giggle.

"You know I'm a wolf? Omo. We are having twins." The younger giggled cutely.

"Then your chests would enlarge so much as much as it could feed two babies. You must get one if you don't want them wobbling. Here I'll see your size." She offered and Mark just stayed there without prancing. The younger pouted, the older was so possessive today but didn't stop the girl from wrapping a measuring tape around his chest.

"Aren't you switching on your possessive mode on love?" Hyuck tilted his head.

"I'm kind of his half sister. I'm Wendy, one of his father's many mistakes. My mom died years back, and I moved her alone. There, I got your measurements. What are the colours you would like?" Wendy smiled at the gorgeous golden Omega.

"Red. Black and hmm.....White. But more red and black. Mark loves lace. I know he does." The younger winked at Mark but the older just turned around with red ears.

There were many out there who lived a very pathetic life, Mark thanked his half sister and left with his mate squealing about wearing his precious lingeries, but suddenly the Omega held his baby bump, he began growling at a specific direction and it angered Mark when he saw a foreign Alpha stare his wife down. He stood in front of the Omega but neither did his growl reach the boy not did anyone hear but his scent of anger sure reached the stray Alpha making him leave.

"Poor thing. Mute I see, not much of a threat, that Omega is too hot to be ravished alone, just wait until I kill you babies and claim him.......Wtf?!" The Alpha took a step back when a huge black wolf appeared from no where, his eyes blazed red and he breathed like a dragon.

"No.....Not a Lycan." The boy gasped as he was ripped into shreds in a matter of seconds. Haechan felt so proud of his Alpha, he knew that Mark would never let anything happen to them.

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