chapter 14

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Y/n's pov

I head to my room, joining with the others. "I'm backkk~"

"What did you guys talk about?" Chungha asked me.

I stood still for a minute, going through the memories of just five minutes ago.

"We've now met you're new partners y/n-ya." And? "They all seem to be-"

"Older!!!" Tzuyu interrupted Jihyo. "Did you see them Chaeng? How could we be so unlucky. The older ones will definitely flirt with you." Tzuyu sobbed dramatically, Dahyun's excessiveness is rubbing off of her.

"I agree with Tzu tzu. That cobra will swallow you in one bite y/n-ya." Sana clung to Tzuyu's side.

"Hehe, nothing really..." I cough and turn around to go over to the counter at the side. I crouch down to a cabinet with a lock on it, I unlock the cupboard, revealing all my fancy makeup supplies.

What? You can never be too safe, these babies are practically my children so they must be kept secured. I lifted the heavy box and placed it on the table.

The loud bang I caused made the others turn to see me. "Here we are." They gathered around me to look at my supplies.

My box was filled with high end luxury branded makeups and brushes, the best of the best. "These are my good ones, which I will use on you guys." I said to them.

"Are you sure y/n? This was just for fun, you don't have to use all these fancy things." Somi said, she's worried that I took these out only for the sake of her asking to do all their makeup.

"Of course I'm sure. It wouldn't be any fun if I don't use these." I said with grin. It's actually been a while since I've done somebody's makeup, so now I'm suddenly hyped up and ready to do whatever. Even in the next few years, after having more experience as an idol, I don't think I'll ever get sick of makeup. But that's just me I guess.

"So who wants to go first?" I ask.

~Smol Time Skip~

I eventually get through the six of them. I ask them first if they want a certain style in particular, some of them asked me for a certain look, *cough* Hyuna *cough*, who kept to her statement of making her look I quote unquote, sexy. While some literary said surprise me.

"Wow, look, at, me."

"I've never had this style before, but I love it."

"I'm so glad I asked to do this."

"Yep. This is a sexy look."

"I'm in love with myself again."

"I don't regret this decision."

I heard various comments but all were positive. The six of them checked themselves out in the mirrors around the room. They seem pretty distracted and it feels too warm in here.

"Hey, I'll just nip to another room guys, I forgot something there so I'll just get it quickly." I get out of there. I didn't actually forget anything, I just need to cool down a little, it's only now that I realised how close I was being with all of them, and I blame my passion for makeup.

I take a wonder around the building and go up and down the elevator for fun to waste time.

3rd person pov

Meanwhile, as soon as y/n left the room the six of them turned to eachother. "Was it just me or did you notice that, that was a totally different y/n." Hani first said.

"Right!? Despite us only knowing her for about a few hours, she's never acted like that until now." Chungha agreed.

"I know that I'm not the only who liked that though. I told her to give me sexy makeup style, not to be sexy and do it, although I'm not complaining." Hyuna said.

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