Phone Alert

755 21 8

You groan as your phone rings, waking you from your peaceful slumber.

You peel off your face mask and smooth down your expensive dressing robe as you stride confidently towards your brand new iPhone.

Half of you expected it to be a drunk call from one of your many exes but you were surprised to see it was a notification from one of the many business companies your parents associated with.

That was at least before you hired hitmen to murder them so you'd receive more money.

Your eyes widen at the message written a dark ominous font.

You have precisely eight hours until the apocalypse, we strongly advise you make your way to your nearest airport and fly to these coordinates.

You almost close the message thinking it was a scam or some people wanting your money but when you see the message came from none other than the cooperative, you feel your blood run cold.

You had memories of your parents telling you to always remember they were dangerous if you got on the wrong side of them but to you they were strong allies.

Something about the memory felt off but you still somewhat trusted it so you descend your marble staircase to prepare.

As you glide your hand across the golden railing, you order one of your many butlers to prepare you a suitcase filled with your most exquisite gowns for a "special trip."

You smirk at the thought of how all these people would be nothing more than limp corpses in less than eight hours.

"Excuse me if I'm overstepping my boundaries mistress but what is the smile for? Are you meeting a particular person?" One of your servants pipes.

"Not anyone specific." You say, looking down on the poor man.

"Sorry for asking mistress." He says as he scuttles away to serve another duty.

You knew you had at least an hour to get ready so you take it upon yourself to dye your hair a completely different colour.

You were getting good at it because you did this every two months, you weren't sure why, you just felt compelled to do so.

As if it were written into your very soul.

The time flew by quicker than you imagined and before you knew it, you were dragging a very large suitcase onto your own private jet.

As you boarded you heard the pilots radio crackle and give you the latest news.

"Today a total of 337 million deaths have been registered, Hong Kong has been obliterated and now... well... it seems now they're coming for the states. I'm not sure what I'm doing here. I've got to go to my family. I need to tell them I love them for one last time. Good luck all of you."

Radio static filled the plane as it took off and you watch as you float through the clouds.

As you stare with wide eyes at the mass destruction hundreds of metres below the plane, you begin to wonder how such pain and suffering could look so beautiful.

Authors note:

We're back.

To be honest, your character is way meaner than I expected it to be, I guess I've got to get out my teenage angst some way lmao.

Thanks for sticking with me for this long.

That Witch Bitch: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now