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You waited outside the office two minutes earlier than you were supposed to.

You ended up staring at the bookshelf, trying to calm yourself down.

An enormous amount of pressure was building up on your shoulders.

Your previous confidence had suddenly vanished and you found yourself questioning yourself for once.

You had been so self assured before, what was happening now?

You feel your heartbeat race as Langdon pulls open the door.

The warmth and light of his office fire brightened the hallway and for a moment you forgot your fear.

His office was nicer than you expected.

The old bricked walls seemed to reflect the heat as the one or two paintings seemed to wink as you walked past.

There was a matted brown table in the middle of the room simply with a MacBook on it.

You put on a reassured smile as you gracefully walk in for your meeting.

You were great at interviews, whenever the press were around you you always managed to give the best remarks and responses.

You shake of your remaining doubts as the man gestures for you to take a seat.

He had set out two armchairs with the fire sparkling between them.

He sat slightly slouched on his, feeling casual you assumed.

His brown eyes seemed to flicker in the firelight as he studied your face, trying to find a gap in your facade.

Micheal Langdon was smart, you'd give him that.

"Welcome." He says.

You shuffled uncomfortably, dropping your confidence act for a little.

Something about his voice put you on edge and made you feel nauseous again.

Silence held the room for a short moment before Langdon spoke.

"Your name is y/n y/l/n right?" He asks.

You nod, his voice striking into your soul.

"You've changed a lot since we last met." He says, glancing at your dyed hair.

"What are you talking about?" You scoff confused.

You hadn't met him before.

Had you?

"You really don't remember me?" Micheal says, almost looking a little upset.

"No..." You say, more confused than ever.

Your stomach had started churning again.

"How?" Micheal asks, he suddenly looked young and scared.

"Can you stop talking nonsense and can we get back to the evaluation?" You ask, shifting in your seat again.

Micheal seemed to gaze at the fire for a while before answering.

"Why yes, yes of course." He says, his smile breaking through his frown.

"Awesome." You say, trying not to puke from the sudden motion sickness you were getting.

He pauses again, the only sound you heard was the crackling and spitting of the fire before you.

At that very moment, you knew he wasn't going to continue with the evaluation.

"You seem better how you are now." He says, looking at you crazed, "You used to have the personality of a wet tissue... now, now it's changed for the better." He forced a smile.

You knew Langdon was going mad but you couldn't help but suddenly feel like you knew him too.

His face had always looked all too familiar.

Maybe it was.

That Witch Bitch: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now