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So that was the legendary Scàthach.

A homeless, grimy woman with frizzy hair.

You watched as she got from all fours to standing on two feet, snarling like an animal all the way.

In the nicest possible way, you couldn't believe how disgusting she was.

"The witches have admired this primitive creature for so long," Micheal says, "It's petty really."

The witch seemed to stare at the two of you, looking slightly shocked.

She opened her mouth to speak and did but it was in her native tongue.

Somehow, you understood every word she said.

"Petty?" She raises her eyebrow and glares at the antichrist, "I'll tell you what's petty."

You scoff at Micheal who looked offended.

You think he could understand as well.

Maybe the witch was a good translator.

"Petty that a man such as yourself thinks he's more influential than such a powerful leader like... y/n... is it?" She says, smiling slightly.

"You're not what I expected." Micheal says, almost lost for words.

Scáthach just ignores him, looking back to you.

She stares at you hopefully, grasping your hands in her own.

It was then you realised she looked an awful lot like lady gaga.

You shook it off though as she began to speak.

"I sense someone has clouded you my dear, I sense great power and potential. Don't doubt yourself."

She clutched your hands so sincerely you felt obligated to reply nicely.

"I won't. Don't worry." You say slightly forcefully.

"Is it this... creature?" She says, gesturing to Micheal.

"Excuse me?" Micheal says.

But he was ignored yet again.

"No, well, I don't know to be honest. I doubt it though. I think I have to figure out myself before I start blaming others though." You say.

"Wise words dear." Scáthach says, her mouth widening into a smile, "Don't be afraid to-"

"Come on y/n, let's get out of here." Micheal interrupts clearly bored.

Micheal starts grabbing your arm but you wanted to hear what else the witch had to say.

You shove his arm off and he looks taken aback.

"What did you want to say?" You ask quickly to your ancestor.

"I just wanted to remind you not to be afraid to destroy your enemies, the line between good and evil doesn't matter as long as your morals are straight."

"Thanks." You say glancing back to Micheal for a moment before quickly looking back to Scáthach, "I think I've got to go now, goodbye."

You barely had time to hear the reply from your ancestor before Micheal started sending the two of you back.

Micheal looked frustrated as he shifted the air and you fell into the oblivion yet again.

Landing on the ground of the outpost, you realise Micheal was cursing.

"That didn't go the way I wanted it to." He mutters.

You guess he was right.

But you were feeling better than ever..

Stronger than ever....

That Witch Bitch: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now