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Using the thrill of the moment, you pull yourself up and stride out the room without Langdon's permission.

"Y/n..." You hear his voice fade into the distance as you enter the library with a grin on your face.

You didn't have the attention to care whether he sounded frustrated, upset or angry.

All you knew was that Scàthach was right.

You were stronger than you thought.

You round the corner feeling confident when you freeze in your tracks.

Suddenly, you realise who you are.

All your past and memories come flooding back to you all the way up to entering Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies.

You weren't sure why you couldn't remember the witches or the academy but you were mostly just grateful you could remember at all.

You remember the power at your fingertips.


That was what you had.

All your memories of the power begin to flicker into your mind, engulfing your brain in flames.

Your eyes widen as your mouth tilts upwards.

You quickly rush downstairs to the sitting room.

It was very late at night, or you could say early in the morning.

As you run your hand over the staircase railing, you notice there was no one around except one or two greys hurrying off in different directions.

They all seemed to be busy nowadays, probably just worried about evaluation.

Your stomach flips thinking back to Langdon.

He was the fucking antichrist!!?

You rush into the sitting room, trying to shake all thoughts of Langdon and how you'd eventually have to kill him.

As you fall down to your knees by the fireplace you couldn't help but wonder how powerful he was.

If he was powerful, you contemplate that walking out on him wasn't one of the wisest moves.

You weren't even sure if you were allies or not?

I mean, you didn't agree with his ideas of the world but it wasn't like you could do anything.

You could barely restart civilisations with that lousy bunch, let alone in a broken, intoxicated world.

Langdon had won and there was nothing you could do.


You think back to visiting Scathach in the forest and realise that he hadn't won just yet.

He could always go back.

Which meant you could always go back.

I mean, you still had to figure out how but you had a start, and that's worthy a whole lot more when you add your new found optimism into the mix.

Excitement crackles inside of you as you stare at the bare fireplace and inhaled the sooty air surrounding it.

Your f/c hair dangles over your eyes but you tuck it to the side as you glare at the structure.

You focus on the empty space and before long, a small flame starts to flicker in its centre.

It magically dances in the still room as it's colour solidifies into a valiant orange.

You smile to yourself.

You were back.

Your magic was back.

Somewhere, you imagine someone slowly digging their way from out of the dirt.

It was a new hope.

(No not Star Wars u nerd lmao)

That Witch Bitch: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now