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Confused by my emotions I just sat down on the bed as Emma quickly sat down beside me, placing her arms around my shoulders. 

''Are you okay?'' she asked softly after a few seconds of quiet. I tried to rinse out my throughts that were blocking my head. It had been two years since I last saw him.

''I'm far from okay.'' I sighed as I stared blankly out in the empty air as Emma gave me a worried face. ''.. but I'll manage.''

Emma frowned a bit at me as she took a harder grip around me. ''Are you sure?''

''I can do this Emma. I just thought that I didn't have to see him until the actual wedding day.'' I said and bit my jaw together. 

I couldn't deny that I actually felt both excitement and anxiety rush through my body at the sheer thought that Luke was only a stair away from me. But all the things that he'd put me through two years ago still pissed me off and they hurt. Seeing him again was like re-opening all the wounds I'd tried to heal on my own.

''I know, but it's only three days you know. It's not that bad.'' she tried and smiled, making me huff.

''Only three days..'' I said with sarcasm, folding my arms across my chest in a very stubborn way as Emma laughed at me.

''Taylor come on, I know that he hurt you and that you still feel angry about that, but I know you too well to know that you're kind of happy and excited to see him again.'' she giggled, making me frown.

''Shut it Emma!'' I growled, turning my eyes away from her. She chuckled at me and placed her head on my shoulder. 

''You know I'm right Tay..''

I just rolled my eyes at her. The truth was that she had of course right, I was happy to see Luke again but I was also really angry.

''Why is he even here? Michael said that he'd gone back to Sydney.'' I groaned as Emma let me go and shrugged.

''He came when you and Michael were away and said he wanted to help Michael out with the wedding, and he had some business to attend here as well.'' she said as I gave her an obvious look.

''Of course he has..'' I muttered and stood up from the bed and walked up to my counter.

''Taylor, you know I don't think it'll do you any harm to talk to Luke and try to mend some things a little bit.'' she said softly as I looked at her like she was crazy.

''No. I refuse to talk to him.'' I said stern and kneeled down to my suitcase, grabbing random things to keep myself occupied. I heard Emma sigh as she stood up from the bed.

''Well, I'm not going to force you to do anything Taylor, remember that, but you know it wouldn't kill you to talk to him.'' she said in a soft voice as I gave her a small nod.

''I need to call Blake, we'll see each other at breakfast tomorrow.'' I said and gave her a smile as she nodded.

''Yeah, goodnight babe.'' she said as she walked out from my room and closed the door behind her. I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed his number as I took a seat again on my bed.

''Hey honey!'' Blake's voice cheered when he picked up the phone. 

''Hey Blake, what's up?'' I asked.

''Not much, I'm missing you like mad here.'' he said and I could hear his grin on the other end.

''I miss you too you loser.'' I teased as he laughed.

''So.. Luke was here tonight.'' I mumbled and it became quiet on the other side of the phone.

''Wasn't he supposed to be in Sydney now?'' Blake said, his tone changing into disliking. I sighed tiredly and picked up the cover on my bed to place it out of the way.

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