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Now that my dad was going to be out of reach for Styles and his mafia, I felt much more calmer. I just wanted him to be out of danger.
Luke hadn't said a single word to me the entire time we were driving as we turned in on the narrow road to the mansion. I glanced over at him as he was pursing his lips with his jaw clenched, seeming to be in deep thoughts.

I thought he was trying to figure out a way to get everything with Styles out of the way. He offered himself to take the big burden that was now laying on his shoulders. I didn't want him to have that load on his mind but I was utterly grateful I didn't have to worry about my dad's health.

''Luke you know it really wasn't necessary for you to take over my dad's mistake.'' I mumbled as it seemed to snap him out of his thoughts as he flickered his eyes between the road ahead and me.

''Your  dad wouldn't have been able to get the money in time, you don't know what Styles does to people who are late with their debts.''

A frown appeared on my face. I knew he was right. My dad was an ordinary, simple man who had no kind of way of protecting himself against Styles. I was utterly grateful that Luke decided to take his place but that didn't mean I liked the idea one bit.

''What says you can take his place?'' I retorted with a small voice.

''Styles has no choice. If I give him what he wants, he won't care about your dad.'' he said as I started to feel very helpless.

''What does that mean for you Luke? About him saying that you owed him.''

Luke glanced at me but quickly averted his eyes away before he fluently changed the gear.

''I know I am. But it's for the best, your dad wouldn't have had a chance against him.'' he stated.

I was starting to feel a little panicked.

Luke couldn't put himself in the danger of Styles and his mafia. Who knew what they would do when they had Luke in their hands. If there was something I knew about the mafia, it was that the bosses wanted to either have strong connections between each other for increased power or they wanted to wipe everyone out, one by one.

Luke had been the exception, he didn't want to execute other mafia bosses for his own power, he didn't need it. He used fear instead.

''But what says you will!'' I cried out powerless, the fear of something bad happening to Luke vibrating in my chest. Luke looked at me with a tilted head before pursing his lips again and a small smile tugged in the corner of them.

''Have you lost all trust in me Taylor?'' he asked with a slightly amused tone.

''Luke this isn't the time for your arrogance.'' I frowned at him and crossed my arms over my chest. Luke snickered a little bit, his childish humor reflecting in his face.

''Taylor it's cute that you are worried about me, but do you remember what I have been doing for the past years?'' he asked, a soft smile creeping upon his face making my heart flutter the smallest amount.

Even though I wanted to smack him in the back of his head for being so annyoing, he had a point. He wasn't considered the most dangerous man in Australia for nothing.

''Can you just stop for once and think of the risks of this Luke.'' I pleaded and looked at him with serious eyes. He was still smiling a little bit, refusing to take this seriously or he was just simply enjoying my caring about him too much to stop.

''Don't worry, I got this Tay.'' he smiled and suddenly swerved up on the parking and stopped the car. Before I had the time to say anything more he exited the car.

crimson menace >> luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now