Locked in

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The Italy bros, Spain, Portugal and Greece all decided to go to IKEA that day. The Italies, Spain and Portugal wanted some new decorations for their house and Greece just decided to tag along to spend time with them. They entered the store and started walking around, looking through the curtain section for a bit, Spain disappeared without a notice from anyone else in the group. As they continued walking around Spain and popped out from behind the closet, letting out a little 'boo' as he grabbed Romano and jumped onto him. "Ah! What the fuck is your problem tomato bastard?!" Romano was about to smack the shit out of the person who just scared him but calmed down seeing it was just Spain. He blushed and yelled at the Spaniard for giving him such a scare. Spain giggled and let out a light hearted chuckle putting a hand on the other's shoulder reassuringly. "Oh my god that was hilarious! You should've seen your face!" Romano glared at Spain for laughing at him and gave him a smack. "You almost gave me a heart attack, you bastard how was that funny?!" He yelled back at Antonio with a red and angry face as he quickly knocked the other's arm off his shoulder. Portugal had turned around hearing the Italian's scream and was watching the situation unfold, letting out a little chuckle as he did. "You're right Feli, they do act like an old married couple." He replied to Italy's comment from their conversation a moment ago. They continued walking through the store trying to find the furniture they needed before going to the check out. Romano noticed there were starting to be a lot less people around but thought nothing of it, the store was so big he didn't expect to see many other people walking around. Portugal started to notice too and got a bit worried he turned to the group. "Hey guys? Don't you think we should see more people walking around?" He asked a bit concerned by the lack of people as they wandered through empty furniture sets. "I don't know, I just want to get out of here." Romano complained as he looked around for an exit but everything looked quite similar to him as they kept walking. The group wandered aimlessly in a circle of living room sets then stopping once they noticed they were walking in a circle. "Everything is so confusing since it all looks so similar!" Romano blurted out being frustrated by their lack of being able to get back to where they started. "Are we lost?" Spain asked, confused by the huge store and lack of directions or maps inside as well. "No were not lost. I know the way out just follow me okay?" Portugal reassured as he started walking away from the group, not waiting to see if they followed him or not. They all screamed seeing and hearing the lights in the building cut off. Romano quickly attached himself to Spain out of fear. "What happened to the lights?" Feliciano asked, noticing the lights turned off. "I think we just got locked in..." Spain pondered, now being a bit worried. "Locked in, are you kidding me?!" Romano said a bit angrily. "No I'm not kidding..." Antonio replied back, sighing and seeing the gated section in front of them. "Oh no and where did Portugal go?" Cried Italy fearfully.

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