Friend or Foe?

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The Iberieans and Italy moved backwards and away from the figure fearfully while Romano stayed in place. "Fratello, what are you doing?!" He worried at his older brother seeing he froze in place. The older Italian man was shaking a bit seeing the others looking at him worriedly. "W-what what's wrong? Is it behind me?!" Romano panicked and screamed when the tall figure tapped his shoulder, motioning for the others to follow even though they couldn't see. Romano was close enough to see the hand movement and what it was trying to say, it confused him a bit since he thought the figure was trying to kill them. "Antonio It got me help! Fucking help me its dragging me away!" He yelled, being a bit overly dramatic as the figure grabbed his shoulder and began leading him in a direction. It was standing too far away for any of the others to see its dark, gloved hands in the darkness. Portugal noticed a bit of movement and squinted to try and see what the tall figure was trying to do but it was too dark. "I think it's trying to tell us something not trying to take Romano away." He voiced his observation to the group. The other two looked at him as if he was crazy. "What? You can't be serious. Isn't that thing trying to kill us?" Asked Spain questioningly, although fear was clouding his judgement. "Well come on we have to follow them or we lose Romano." Portugal replied back, he was mostly worried although a bit scared as well. Antonio sighed but nodded, deciding to follow his brother to go after them. Italy followed after them as well, not wanting to be left behind in the darkness. "Oh god please don't hurt me!" Romano could be heard crying in the darkness, unintentionally giving the others a clue to where he was. They started running in the direction of the tall figure who seemed to notice the group and started running away from them, what this figure was trying to do remained a mystery to the group. "Why is it running away from us?" Italy questioned, being confused by it's actions "Just keep running we can't lose Romano in here!" Spain orders, scared for the olive skinned Italian's life. A glimpse of the long, navy blue jacket the figure was wearing could be seen as they passed a set of windows reflecting a bit of light into the place. The group stopped after a while having lost sight of the figure and not hearing Romano's screams or cries of terror. "We lost it oh god what do we do now? What's going to happen to Romano?!" Spain worried, looking back at the other two. A loud bang sounding like a gunshot rang through the place along with a thump of something hitting the ground. A clicking sound, maybe of something reloading, sounded after in the distance. It was clear to the group this was likely their dear Italian friend being killed, although they could've been too struck with fear to think otherwise. The three of them jumped at the sound and looked at each other for a moment with scared expressions before Portugal yelled. "RUN before it kills us too!" He then began running as quickly as he could through the store with the other two following close behind. Italy turned around for a moment to see the tall figure following behind them with what looked like a dead body he was carrying in the darkness. "Fratello!" He cried and continued running, tears in his eyes. The other two heard his cry and took a look backwards as well, seeing the same thing Italy saw. The trio started running faster seeing the figure quickly approaching. The two of them looked back at each other and Feli as they continued running, getting closer and closer to a growing light in the distance. "I think that's the exit!" Spain cried happily but also a bit fearfully since they were still being chased. He was pointing to the distant light, showing it to be a set of doors as they got closer. The three of them continued running towards it, the figure still chasing after them with Romano in their grasp. They then hit the heavy metal doors to the outside world, making a loud bang sound through the room.

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