Part Ten: Girl's Trip

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"Going somewhere?" I heard Jack ask.
"Florida Keys. You wanted to talk," I answered while packing my clothes.
"Can't we talk when you get back? I'd like to have your full attention."
"I'll be busy, so now is the time to talk." I heard his heavy footsteps move from I'm front of my bedroom door to directly behind me. I felt his eyes burning holes in the back of my head.

"Can you at least look at me?" he asked. I don't know why I thought he'd let not making eye contact slide. Eye contact fuels this man.
"I'm packing, so no. Speak." Not satisfied with my answer, Jackman closed my suitcase and placed his big ass clown foot on top. I should punch him in the dick right now but lemme not.

I stood up making direct eye contact with him so he'd stop being annoying.
"Happy?" Jack grabbed my arm pulling me close to him, a shit eating grin on his stupid attractive face. He glided his fingertips up and down my arm feeling the goosebumps forming.
"You want me," he said matter of factly.
"I don't," I said smacking his hand away. "Look you came over to speak with me about something so spit it out or leave."
"I can spit on something right now," he replied with a smirk.
"Yes, mama?" I stared at him completely shocked by his behavior right now, and a little turned on by it. And by a little, I mean a lot because in the blink of an eye I had jumped on this man attacking his lips with mine.

   Jack laid me down on my bed and moved in between my legs carefully. He hovered over my face, his necklace lightly hitting my nose.
  "You want me," he repeated while slipping his hand in my shorts. "Say it." I shook my head, he moved his fingers gently, making me squirm.
  "You're getting so wet and I ain't even did nothing yet," Jack chuckled. God damn this man is gonna put me in an early grave.
  "I want you," I admitted. "Now fuck me please." Jackman pulled his hand out licking his fingers still smirking.
"Nah, you gotta pack mama," he mentioned nodding over at my suitcase.


(L to R: Bella, Victoria, and Sabrina)


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Liked by mimi.44 and 100,836 others | 3,194 Comments
@soratheescorpio Girl's trip minus Mia's sick ass 🙄 (@westcoast_tori, @bellafromtha305, @brinathebruja)


@user1 lmao spot the Scorpio
@soratheescorpio @user1 Front n center!

@himattchampion bout to leave this wack ass boy band so i can be with u already
@soratheescorpio @himattchampion Let's hope Ian doesn't read this
@kevinabstract @soratheescorpio Too late!!

@mimi.44 It's not my fault I caught the fucking flu 😩
@soratheescorpio @mimi.44 Exit the comment section before you get someone sick 🤨
@brinathebruja @mimi.44 Miss you love! I hope you get better soon 💜

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