Part Eleven: Replacement

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   "Did you enjoy the show?" Matt asked while pulling me in his arms.
  "I did! Watching all six of you on stage is kind of wild," I answered while kissing his forehead. "Spend the night with me." Matt sucked his teeth looking to the side contemplating. He did a double take at my night side and picked up something behind the lamp.
  "Private garden," he read out loud. "Isn't this Jack's ring?"
  "It is, he must've forgotten it here," I answered reaching for it.
  "Why's it behind the lamp?"
  "I probably put it there so I don't lose it," I lied.
  "When was he here last?" Matt interrogated.
"My birthday, why are you grilling me so hard?" I asked stepping away from him.
"Why is his ring really in your room?"
"I told you he left it here. It was downstairs in the bathroom. Jack took it off to help me make a little something to eat," I explained crossing my arms.

"I thought you went out to eat with Mia," Matt said raising a brow.
"That was early that evening, Jack came over later that night."
  "Why though?"
  "Because I was crying over my boyfriend who didn't come to see me!" I yelled. "Jackman came over to comfort me after I calmed down we made food, I told him to take his ring off and wash his hands, next day I found it and I've had it in my room ever since. I haven't seen him in a while."

   Matt stood up trying to piece things together in his mind. He shook his head then looked at me intently.
"You don't cook Raya," Matt finally said.
"Cinnamons rolls. We made cinnamon rolls," I said.
"Hm, alright. Your story seems a little rehearsed but whatever," he shrugged.
"Why are you trying to start shit with me right now?"
"Because I don't like Jack, especially him comforting you."
"You should've been here then," I retorted. "You know what? It's getting late, you should probably head back."
"Bet. Oh, by the way, won't be making it to Mia's birthday party," he mentioned while heading out the door.
  "Of course, it's not the first birthday you missed and it won't be the last," I mumbled.



Super soaker 🔫
Come over now

I'm in the studio

Super soaker 🔫
I don't care, come rn. I need to relieve some stress

Aww, trouble in paradise? What y'all argue about this time?

Super soaker 🔫
You left your ring and he found it

About time damn

Super soaker 🔫
I knew you left it behind for some reason
Super soaker 🔫

You want me to come over or not 🤔

Super soaker 🔫
You're gonna come over regardless of me insulting you
Super soaker 🔫
You love being inside of me

Yeah I do
I'm on the way
Read at 1:01 am




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