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Friday was the night, the sixth day of the week as it meant something to a quintal of sisters. To one specific person, that is.

"Today is 'Take Out the Trash' day..." a girl with butterfly hair clips snarls softly as she ties a large full trash bag up into a knot. She drags it to the front door as the rustles of rubbish and the bag was only audible besides the buzzing of the lights when she was in the hallway of the building.

From one end of the hallway was a chute for trash to dump. She marched there and struggles to throw the trash in for a few minutes.

She lets out a grunt before the large bag finally cooperates with Nino and slides down the tunnel with ease. She pants softly, "I swear they save up trash until it's time for me to take it out..." she shakes her head as she starts walking back to her apartment.

"I could really go for some hot tea right now... Hot tea in my room with a/n playing softly? It's definitely a great way to prepare for the weekend..." Nino would smile softly before she grabs the knob to her front door and pushes it open.


Before she could enter into her own home, the elevator rang softly in the hallway. It grabbed the girl's attention as her first thoughts would be Ichika finally coming home after a long day of work. She was ready to greet her from the door only for it to disappear when it was somebody but Ichika.

It was a figure cloaked in a c/c hoodie with a pair of shorts, shoes, and a backpack slung on his back. At first Nino was ready to head back in but she takes a second glance at the mysterious figure.

"Is that..."


Suddenly, they fall to the ground. The girl was skeptical to check them out but eventually gained her courage and went to see if her speculations were true.

She crouched down next to them, hesitant as the hood laid over their head to seal their identity from afar. "Please don't tell me it's him..." she sighs softly and decides to rip the bandage off clean.


"...Oh my fucking god..."

Her guess was unfortunately true for her.

That figure she revealed was none other than her next door neighbor, Y/n.

And to her shock, he was sound asleep.

It shocks her to see that someone was able to sleep on the ground in the middle of a hallway where anybody could see and rob him in broad daylight. The small snored proved it as he doesn't move an inch except for this body expanding and shrinking from the short breaths he had.

Nino decided that it was enough.


She shakes him softly, waking him easily as he was out of it. His gaze went everywhere, trying to figure out what was going on.

"What are you doing out here?" A voice took his gaze, his blurred eyes tried their best to focus until he could make up a partially clear image of a girl with butterfly clips glaring at him. "N-Nino?"

"Yes, it's me! I'm asking what are you doing out here!"

"I'm... going back home..." Y/n picks himself up and hugs the wall so he can continue his journey home.

"This late?!"

"Yeah... I'd be lucky if I even make it to the door right now... Hah..."

Then Y/n falls.

Luckily, Nino was there to catch him as she position his arm over her small shoulders and kept him up as if he was drunk or something. "You idiot..." she groans angrily. "Why are you even out this late in the first place?"

Nino Nakano x Singer Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now