Let Me Help

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Today was Saturday.

And today, Y/n wasn't going to do shit.

Those were his initial thoughts as he could be seen lying on his couch since last night, slowly shifting around and groaning loudly as the sun started to rise to the peak of it's day.

Everything was perfect for today as his fatigued body was still recovering after a week's worth of school. Now was the time to take the opportunity to rest up before he focuses his homework for tomorrow and perhaps do something productive.

Ding! Dong!

"...Are you kidding me?" Y/n groans at the sound of his doorbell ringing as he glances over across the living room at the door. The bell would ring once more before he lays his head back down and adjust himself on the couch.

"I don't have any visitors today... They'll probably think it's the wrong home and leave..."



...Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Y/n growled before getting back up to his feet and stomped towards his front door.

He swings the door open and was ready to spat out some negativity through his lips.


Luckily he didn't as he was met with a familiar face from a family of six.


He knew exactly who it was from the butterfly hair clips hanging from her medium cherry hair.

"What are you doing here?"

Then he spots her bag hanging from the side of her hip. "And why do you have your school bag here?"

"I'm here to tutor you..."


That threw Y/n off as he shakes his head, baffled as he scoffs softly. "I didn't hire a tutor though..."

"Just... be quiet and let me in..." Nino replied back before letting herself in right after. Y/n just watched before he let it slide for now, closing the door behind him and following the unannounced visitor to his living room.

She sat down at the small coffee table, taking her school supplies from her bags and glanced up at the boy who watched. "...What are you waiting for? It's time for tutoring..."

"Do you really have to tutor me of all-"

"Come on! We're burning daylight here!"

"What the... Fine..." Y/n admits defeat as he left the living room to grab his school supplies that was in his bedroom.

Once he was back, he dumped his things out to get started on the unofficial tutor session Nino made. He grabs his writing utensil and opened his notebook and was ready to do some homework.

"You don't mind if I put on some music, do you?"

Y/n glanced at Nino, her eyes focused on her phone as she was typing something out. "No..." Y/n answered.

"Good... I was going to play some anyways..."

...I mean... Music is my passion...

Y/n was getting started as he opened a textbook up to start on the subject he struggled the most. He gets to reading and taking notes until music started plying.

He recognizes the piece as one of his most memorable ones he created.

"Ooh... I love this song..." he smiled as Nino watched him focus back at his homework.

"...I know you do..." she smiles to herself as well and finally started her on homework, listening to music and giving Y/n pointers on math, history, etc.

Outside - The Weeknd


It took a good while but the two managed to finish their homework together.

Nino felt proud, being able to aid the h/c who was horrible at a lot of the subjects as she knew that this time he was getting a better grade than he usually gets.

At least that's what she assumes as Y/n escorted Nino to the front door and bowed to her.

"Thank you for the help... I'm glad that you took your time out just for me..."

"Jeez, it wasn't that bad... but I'll be back again..."

"For what?"

"To tutor you some more! Why else?"

"What? Why do you even want to tutor me to begin with?"

"Because I want to, okay?" The two had a minor confrontation until Y/n decided to give in, not wanting this to escalate than it has to.

"Fine... Just knock whenever you want to tutor..."

"I plan to anyways..." Nino replied as she turned around to head back to her apartment and just relax for the day.


She turns back to Y/n and stopped the door from shutting. "What?"

"...Actually, you know what? Where's your phone?"


"Just give it to me!"

"Okay! Jeez..." Y/n complied and gave Nino his phone. It took awhile but she gives it back.

"There... I put my number in my phone..."


Y/n doesn't even bother.


"I'll text you when I'm coming over to help you..."


"Okay... See you later..." Nino said and went back into her apartment, for real this time.

Y/n just stared at the door that Nino went through and glanced down at his phone and then back at her home.

"...Jesus Christ, what's her deal?" He questioned himself before sneaking back into his apartment and let himself rest after the tutor session he had with the redhead from earlier.

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