Family Bonding

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Days has passed after Y/n's lucky escape from Nino's dreaded question to meet his alter ego. The boy was in his penthouse, on his phone as the music of his first unrecognized album acted as a background sound.

What was he doing?

Nothing much as he awaited for the weekend to hit him like a school bus.


As well as his grade for that group project him and Nino had done. With his phone telling him to check his grade for the work, he does so and was met with a satisfactory grade in front of him.

"Sick... Got an A- for the project..."

With eight points missing from the work, it was still good in his eyes. A drastic jump from his F- to an F+. At this rate he might be able to pass with at least a B- if he keeps up the good work for the next few months in school.

Ding! Dong!

"That must be the pizza..." Y/n heard the doorbell ring from his home. He gets up from his couch with his wallet in his hand and opens the door.



Only a frown appears on his face when he meets a redhead with a pair of butterfly clips hanging from her hair.

"...What are you doing here?"

"Jeez... Is this how you greet your visitors?"

"Nah, just you..."

It made Nino pout angrily.

...Why are you so cute?

It takes him a second to snap from his unusual thought of the pout she made as he kept his composure.

"Just... Why are you here?"

Nino glanced to the side, muttering the words out of her mouth.

"...Do you wanna... play... with us?"

"Play? Who uses that term in high school?"

"God, you're so stupid!" She yells and whipped her hair with her hand. "My sisters and I are going to play some games tonight and one of them wanted to invite you..."


She nods.

"So are you joining or not?"

The boy was taken by surprised.

A game night?

His answer would've been pretty clear if this was something else but...

...It's been awhile since I had a game night...

His answer was constructed to a different one now.

"...Can I at least for my pizza? I'll be right over with it once I get it..."

"You mean the pizza this man has?"

She points to her side as a boy with black hair and golden highlights popped his head from the side with a large smile on his face.

"Hey! Pizza for Y/n?"

"Oh shit!" Y/n fumbled his wallet on the ground, trying his best to keep calm. "I-I'll be over, Nino! Just- Fuck!"

He dropped the wallet again.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting!"

"It's fine, man... Take your time..."

"Let me pay for my pizza!"

Nino Nakano x Singer Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now