Chapter 1: The Planets Begin to Align

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College is the time in many people's lives where they start to learn more about themselves. They experiment with things like hobbies, clubs, careers, and especially sexuality.

I grew up having a desire to be spanked, with the line between kink and fetish constantly blurring. Now that I was in college I had hoped that maybe I would meet a girl who was into spanking guys. From there, a blossoming relationship would develop leading to me finding my soulmate. Then we would eventually settle down and live happily ever after. After a while, I was starting to realize that things might not be as story-book as I would have liked.

Striking out more than a few times I was starting to get impatient. I decided to turn back to my old friend, the internet. It was then I made a discovery that would change everything. While doing my regular "research" on spanking, I found an interview with a dominatrix that piqued my interest.

It was in that interview that I learned she lived about an hour away from my home address. This was a major surprise to me as I was from a small town in the middle of nowhere. It shocked me that I hadn't found her sooner. Especially after looking for so many years for someone that could help me solve my problem.

I decided to check her website to learn more about her. She seemed as normal as a dominatrix could be. She had pictures wearing leather outfits you would see most professionals with. She described her different services she offered, including spanking and other types of corporal punishment. Everything seemed to check out and there weren't any immediate red flags that I could find. Even her session price wasn't too bad at $100 for 30 minutes.

This new revelation got the gears in my brain turning, and it seemed like all of the pieces were falling into place. At the time I had just gotten an internship to work for a company locally operated in my hometown. Lucky for me I was making a decent bit of money from it and realized that I could now afford her session fee.

I started to hatch a plan on how this would all go down. I reached out to her, and for the sake of anonymity we will call her Ms. Cassidy. This whole situation was completely out of left field for me and I wanted to remain as anonymous as possible to keep my identity a secret. So in order to stay discreet I created a fake email and signed them with a different name.

In my 19 year old mind I figured a name like "Carl Baloney" was the perfect undercover name. After all, there were some pretty bad names to have out there and this didn't seem like the worst.

I started out by asking her the difference between the types of sessions she offered for her clients. She had therapeutic spankings, relaxing spankings, and discipline spankings. Never having been spanked before I wanted to make sure I wanted to find a happy medium between something that would give me the full experience, without getting too outside of my comfort zone. After explaining what I was looking for, she decided I would get something between a discipline spanking, and a therapeutic one. Something that could be borderline punishment, while also easing me into the session.

Her payment was to be $100 for a thirty minute session plus the code to a $25 visa card for newcomers as a security deposit. I was able to get a slight discount for reading her interview on a spanking forum and using the code from there. That brought my session total down to about $85 and I still needed to get the gift card for tribute.

This whole scenario reminded me of action movies where the main character's loved one is kidnapped and they need to pay an anonymous ransom to the kidnappers. The only difference being, my suitcase of unmarked bills was a $25 Amazon gift card picked up at a supermarket 5 minutes from my house.

I remember thinking that everyone knew what I was up to. They would see me buying a $25 gift card and get all smug and say "I bet you are going to see Ms. Cassidy huh?". Pointless fears aside, I got the gift card, and sent her the code. Her reply was short but couldn't have gotten me more excited. It said, "Let's set up a time".

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