Chapter 8: The Cooldown

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Sitting down was a bit uncomfortable now that Ms. Cassidy had properly painted my butt a nice shade of red. It felt like putting pressure on a sunburn when I sat down. Once Ms. Cassidy got settled, she was back to her friendly self.

"So how do you think the session went?"

I was still coming down from the contact high the past 30 minutes had given me. It took me a minute to realize she had just asked me a question. Once I snapped out of my trance I began to collect my thoughts.

Reflecting on it, I thought the session was amazing. She wasn't too hard on me or too soft, it was the perfect blend of pain and pleasure. Her ability to gradually increase the pressure on my backside was honestly really impressive. She gauged how I was doing throughout the entire session and managed to not push me past my limits. I was nervous at first but not long into the session she helped me feel completely at ease. Overall it was everything I could have asked for and more. The only downside was that it was already over.

Taking in my glowing remarks she smiled. "Another satisfied customer I see. If you enjoyed it that much I am sure I will see you back over my lap again sometime soon."

I assured her that this was purely a one time thing for me to check off of a list. Even though I said it, there was still a part of me that kind of liked that idea.

As we were wrapping up our discussion she mentioned something that jogged my memory.

"Y'know if you wanna stay for a little bit longer I have a spanking friend of mine coming by if you wanted to chat with her too."

While the thought of it sounded nice she reminded me that I currently had a friend waiting downstairs in the parking lot for me. This same friend was also given the instructions to call the police if he didn't hear from me in 30 minutes. So I decided to do what any sane person would do, I invited him up.

I opened the call to Carter by explaining that things were fine and I was doing great. I then informed him that if he wanted he could come up and chat with Ms. Cassidy and I as we were currently talking about the profitable nature of buying old boats to remodel. How we got to this point in the conversation I have no idea but we had steered it away from the kinky side of things and instead were talking about life in general. Carter paused for a second considering then decided he might as well.

Carter arrived to the room not long after and once the awkward introductions were out of the way we continued our nautical conversation as a group. Ms. Cassidy was sailing later today and described how fun it would be to live on a boat, and that it was something she always wanted to do. Carter was a sailor and was never far from a boat growing up. Surprisingly the two were hitting it off well and talking up a storm about their seaworthy adventures.

After a bit the conversation died down and Ms. Cassidy mentioned that her friend would be arriving soon. Carter and I took this as our opportunity to leave. We both said our goodbyes and I thanked Ms. Cassidy for the very enjoyable experience. She reciprocated those feelings and wished us both well. She also said to ever drop her a line if we find a good boat to live on.

Carter and I both headed back to his car and began our journey back home. The cushioning of his car seat helped magnify the warmth still radiating from my butt. As we rode home I recalled the session as best I could, barring a few personal details. He asked if I thought the whole experience was worth it or not. I told him that I had no regrets at all.

Not long into the car ride I received a frantic call from Jessica asking how things went. I could hear her clueless boyfriend in the background trying to figure out what was going on. I gave her a very general summary and told her that I was safe and everything went really well. That seemed to placate her as she said goodbye and hung up the call.

Carter and I would later go out to lunch together as my way to pay him back for such a major favor. I then returned home where my parents asked if I had fun at the mall. I told them it was a great trip but there wasn't much that I wanted to buy there. They seemed satisfied so I headed up to my room.

I sat in my room with the thoughts of the day's encounter swirling in my head. I decided to take a shower and put those thoughts to use. I felt the water brush over me, careful to not let it touch my bruised ass cheeks. They were still quite warm and the hot water seemed to only irritate them more.

After a little bit I started to channel today's spanking back to the forefront of my memory. All the while I put one hand on my ass feeling the heat coming off it. It was a temporary reminder of the punishment I had received for being so naughty. It didn't take long for me to get fully erect. I thought about how it felt to be over Ms. Cassidy's lap with my dick pressed against her thighs as she spanked my ass. The feeling of her hand slapping ass and not knowing when the next slap was coming. As I continued to replay the scene over and over in my head I began to feel that tight sensation around my pelvic area. I thrusted my hips as I rapidly fucked my hand until I orgasmed onto the shower floor.

It did not take me long to break that promise I had made to Ms. Cassidy earlier that day. While I was never big on breaking a promise to someone, it just meant that I was in for another spanking from her. That didn't seem so bad to me.

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