Chapter 5: Pleasant Formalities

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They say never to meet your heroes. This is something I never really agreed with. For example, I am such a big Star Wars fan that if I met George Lucas I am pretty sure I would faint on the spot no matter how he greeted me.

That being said, I wouldn't consider this dominatrix to be my hero, but at the time Ms. Cassidy came pretty close. She was helping me check off something that had been on a bucket list for me for as long as I could remember.

I had an impression of what she would be like before actually meeting her. This experience is similar to something I like to call the radio host dilemma. If you still listen to radio you probably have a host that you really like or at least hear all the time. After hearing their voice so much you likely have a mental image of what you think they look like. 90% of radio hosts to me look like the radio host from the old Christmas movie Jingle All the Way. They are your typical white dude with a ponytail and glasses that looks like they invented Dungeons and Dragons or teach computer science. That whole mental image then shatters once you actually see a picture of them, and it can be hard to match their voice to how they look after that.

My version of the radio host dilemma with Ms. Cassidy was that she was this super dominant intimidating woman who made people bend to her will as she pleased. In any pictures I saw of her, she was clad in tight leather clothes wielding a spanking implement looking rather upset. Once she opened the door to greet me, that all went out the window.

Ms. Cassidy smiled when she saw me and asked if I was her next appointment and I said yes. She was slightly taller than me with an average build, faded orange hair in a messy bob cut and fair pale skin. She wore a nice plain dress with some flower patterns on the bottom of it. She pretty much looked like someone's aunt or a nice next door neighbor, not the woman who I was about to pay to blister my ass for the next 30 minutes. Her casual appearance was honestly pretty calming as my nerves were in orbit leading up to this moment.

As we stood in the doorway she then said. "Before I let you in I have to check your ID, you look way too young to be doing this sort of thing."

I handed her my drivers license and confessed that the name Carl which I signed my emails with was an alias, albeit a pretty lame one. She understood that and even complimented me for using some internet security for something like this.

"19 huh? You might just be the youngest client I have ever had. I can't wait to tell my other domme friends about this."

Her complement immediately went to my head as a boost to my ego. I asked her if that made me special. She replied to that calmly. "Don't get ahead of yourself, I am still going to give you a spanking after all." Her response quickly put me in my place, but the tone was almost like she was trying to be funny, probably to help put me at ease more. At this point I probably looked like a scared child lost without their parents.

After checking my credentials and handing her my tribute fee she invited me to sit down in what can only be described as a waiting room office before her dungeon. The room itself was rather small and cozy. The floor was an old wood that creaked with each step and the walls looked to be made out of wood paneling you would see in the basement of a house from the 70s.

Ms. Cassidy had a little desk she sat at with papers strewn about, some office supplies and a purple jar with a bit of a unique shape to it. She saw my attention being drawn to it and replied. "It's an incense jar, right now it's lavender to help calm the nerves." She then continued on, "So we talked a little bit about spanking through email, but why did you decide to come see me, what is your interest and history with it?"

I told her how I had always had this desire to be spanked as far back as I could remember and that I never really got to experience it growing up which eventually led me to her. I also made sure to mention that for me it always had this sexual feeling attached to it.

"So it sounds to me like you are a textbook spanko. Someone who craves the feeling of being spanked for a variety of different reasons. Don't worry about your physical reaction to it either, that's perfectly normal."

All my life I had thought that I was weird for being into something like this, that I was a freak or there was something wrong with me. Hearing this all from her made me feel this weight lift from my chest. I never had anyone to talk to about it and it made me want the conversation to never end.

"So as we discussed, you will get a mix between a therapy and discipline spanking. I will start out with my hand then move to different implements, maybe try some different positions and experiment with removing layers of clothing."

That snapped me back to reality and my anxiety decided to take the microphone for a second. I asked if we could stick to just using her hand and only do the over the knee position as I was too scared to try anything else.

"Don't be such a baby and chicken out now! Since it's your first spanking I won't go too hard on you!" She said this in a mocking tone which egged me on a bit and encouraged me to face my fears. We both got up from our chairs and headed into the dungeon part of her room.

Her dungeon space was the yin to her yang. While half of her part of the building was what you might find in a 70s gym teachers office, the other half was full on stylized for her actual profession. There was a spanking horse which looked like something to help with a difficult prostate exam. All along the wall she had an arrangement of spanking implements from leather, to plastic and even some canes leaning against the wood paneling. On the other side of the room there was a leather bench for sitting or leaning against, and a leather chair with no arms perfect for spanking naughty men and women in. She also had a large dog cage in one corner, I didn't see her bring a dog in with her so she must have left it at home.

"Make sure to take your belt off and hang it on the coat rack in my office, I don't want it grinding into my legs while I spank you."

The premise of me being nude from the waist down to a complete stranger while being spanked hadn't really occurred to me until that moment. I hesitated slightly then decided I was all in anyway and backing down now would be a serious mistake. I undid the belt from my pants and hung it on the coat rack.

It was at this point I heard her say "Alright, come here and get over my knee."

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