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It has been roughly 5 years since my first ever spanking from Ms. Cassidy. Since then my love for spanking has really only grown. I have had relationships where I was able to implement it semi-successfully, and some that were not so successful. I even got to try spanking someone, which was quite the experience.

I have yet to go back to Ms. Cassidy for another trip over her lap, but that may very well change in the near future. I have always thought back to that visit with a fondness that I fear may be rose tinted glasses. I don't want to put that experience on too much of a pedestal because anything after that will just feel lesser. Whether or not I return to having my backside thoroughly spanked by Ms. Cassidy is a tossup at this point, but I do not regret doing it the first time.

For me that visit was a huge step outside of my comfort zone, and something I never really thought I would do. Barring the pain from being spanked, the whole experience was pretty fun. Carter and I still make jokes about it and we probably will for a long time to come. As cheesy as it sounds, the whole encounter was what shaped me into who I am today. It helped me learn more of what I want in a partner sexually and more about myself. And as a bonus it makes a great story to tell.

That is a big part of the reason I chose to make this. I have always enjoyed sharing stories with people, so much so that I have a list of good stories on my phone to share with anyone willing to listen. None of them are anywhere near as sexual as this one, but they each mean something special to me. Sharing a story with someone and seeing their reaction is something that feels so good and helps me feel closer to that person.

I titled the google doc that this story is in as "Writing Experiment". This is so no one ever realizes it's a borderline smut retelling of me visiting a dominatrix. But also because this in a weird way was an experiment to see how I would look back on that day. Going back and writing this all out has really helped me remember bits and pieces I had forgotten and helped me relive the whole thing. It's been surprisingly therapeutic for me and something I am proud of.

As time marches on details tend to get fuzzy for a lot of things. So in order to help preserve this in my memory and to share it with other kinky oriented folk, I decided to publish it. The end result will likely be all over the place tonally, and won't be winning any Pulitzers I'm sure. But it will be something that I made based on my personal experiences to share with the world, and that's enough for me.

At the end of the day if the people reading this get some level of enjoyment out of it my mission will be complete. Maybe this will help someone step out of their comfort zone to try something new, or it will help someone realize their kinks are not weird and that many people out there share the same interests. As long as those reading this enjoy it, then I will be happy.

If you are still reading this, thank you. Seriously. My writing tends to be very bloated and if you made it to the end of this monstrosity then you deserve a medal. This beast turned out to be 23(!) pages long on my google doc which is way more than I anticipated. Wherever I decide to post this, if you enjoyed it or had some thoughts on it, feel free to leave a comment. I am gonna try and do my best to respond to anyone who engages with this, good or bad.

Finally, if anyone out there is actually named Carl Baloney, I am sorry for using your name to go and visit a dominatrix.

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