Chapter Four

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The next morning Demetri knocks on Heidi's door "Morning, I've bought Lucy breakfast" "Come in Dem" Heidi opens the door and lets him in. "Lucy this is Demetri, he has bought you breakfast" Lucy turned around and looked at him "Thank you, that's really nice of you" She said smiling "You're very welcome darling" He replied smiling; unable to take his eyes of her "Beautiful" He said too low for Lucy to hear, but Heidi heard him and smiled. "Demetri can you stay with Lucy please, I have some work to do?" Heidi asked "Yes of course" He replied, knowing what Heidi was doing.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked Lucy looking into her green eyes "Yes I did, thank you for asking" Demetri smiled at her; he knew the moment he had looked into her eyes that he would protect her forever, that her happiness was all that mattered to him. He felt drawn to her; she was his mate and he didn't need Marcus to confirm that. "Are you ok?" She asked him "I'm ok, sorry I got lost in my thoughts for a moment" He replied and she nodded "How are you doing with everything?" He asked her. "You know?" She asked "Some things not everything" He answered truthfully. "Long story short I find out from my half-sister and her in-laws that I have a soulmate who's a vampire; but that he'll just reject me and lock me away forever" Lucy said to Demetri with no emotion, not knowing he was her mate and she didn't see the hurt and anger that flashed in his eyes as she had looked down at her hands in her lap.

Heidi had stayed outside in the corridor listening to their conversation; her undead heart breaking for them both. 'Say something Dem' she thought to herself.

"It's ok I've accepted that the one person who's supposed to love me forever won't. I just hope that this gets dealt with soon as I do not wish to be an inconvenience to him any longer than needed" Lucy added. Demetri looked at her and said the first thing he thought of "Go, leave here, go anywhere you want." "W-what? I-I can't they'll send their tracker after me" Lucy said shocked "I'm the tracker Lucy and I'm telling you to go. Come on I'll walk you out" "Really? What about my mate? What about...?" He cut her off, not believing what he was about to say "Don't worry about him. You deserve to be happy"

'Oh Demetri' Heidi thought feeling her eyes fill with tears she can't shed and walked away out of sight.

Demetri took Lucy's warm hand in his cold one and led her out of Heidi's room and took her to his room. "I thought you were walking me out of the castle?" She asked quietly "I am but I'm guessing you need money and as I'm setting you free the least I can do is give you the means to go wherever you want" He replied "Thank you for your help. Once I'm settled I'll pay you back I promise" She said putting her hand on his arm "No you won't. Just enjoy your life; that is the only thing I want in return" He replies handing her €10,000 "That's too..." "Don't argue Lucy just take the money. Come on" He takes her hand back in his and walks through the castle to the entrance; ignoring the few guards giving him puzzled looks. Once at the castle doors he pulls her in for a gentle hug "Take care Lucy. If you need anything call me. I've put my number with the cash" He tightened his grip a little and breathed in her scent and then released her "Thank you Demetri. Your mate is lucky to have you" She said smiling "Thank you, that's sweet but I don't have a mate" She nodded and he gave her a small smile as he watched her walk out of the castle and out of his life, his heart breaking and his eyes filling with tears that will never fall.

Demetri went back to his room; kicked off his shoes and climbed into his bed turning on his side to look out of the balcony doors. He knew letting her go would hurt but it felt like the right thing to do. 'She was never going to love me or believe that I loved her' he thought to himself 'It's for the best'

There was a knock at his door "Hi Dem" Heidi said entering the room, she too removed her shoes and climbed behind him on the bed; wrapping her arms around him to hold him to her "You let her go?" He nodded "It was the right thing to do. I gave her money so she could go anywhere she wanted and have a happy life. I told her to call me if she ever needs anything" He replied "That was nice of you" She said softly "The funny thing is when she thanked me; she said my mate was lucky to have me" A small laugh escaped him "Ironic right?" "Oh Dem" Heidi tightened her hold on her friend "I told her she was sweet and that I didn't have a mate" "But you..." "No, I don't have a mate Heidi. I've set her free. She would never have loved me nor believed that I loved her. It's for the best and you know it" Heidi didn't respond, instead just lay behind him holding him while he sobbed though no tears would fall.

Later that night Marcus came to see him "Talk to me my boy. Help me understand" "I spoke with Alec and Heidi last night and they told me some more information about the situation with Lucy. I met her this morning, she's beautiful master" Marcus nodded and Demetri continued "I knew as soon as I looked into her green eyes she was mine but hearing her talk about me that way, the fact that she had accepted the rejection, despite it not being given by me; I knew she would never accept me as her mate, never believe me when I tell her I want her, that I love her and she would never love me. I did the only thing that felt right, I let her go. I told her I was the tracker, that way she wouldn't have to worry about someone going after her. I also gave her cash for a new life and my number to call should she ever need anything..." Demetri trailed off as he became choked with emotion.

"That was very selfless of you my boy. I'm proud of you" Marcus said putting his hand on Demetri's shoulder and giving it a squeeze. Demetri looked confused "You're not upset or angry with my decision?" "No I'm not. You don't need me to tell you she belongs with you and you with her; you felt it when you saw her and when she is far enough away from you she will feel a little heartbroken too but won't know why. She will no doubt call you at some point and you will go to her because although you let her go, you still want her and hope she'll return to you" Marcus replied "Thank you for understanding although I don't think masters Caius or Aro will" He said looking at Marcus "Leave my brothers to me. You are my personal guard and you have my blessing. We both know she will keep our secret and that is because of how you treated her when you let her go" "I didn't tell her this but I can track her no matter where she is. I'll keep her safe" Demetri said quietly and Marcus nodded "I know you will."

Marcus left Demetri's room and made his way back to the throne room and held his hand out to Aro to show him the conversation between himself and Demetri. Aro nods "I understand and there will be no punishment as I too believe she will keep our secret" "I gather he set her free" Caius said low looking sad "Yes and he can track her but he won't go after her unless she asks him too" Marcus says looking at his brothers who both nod at him "You're not mad Caius?" He asked "Not with our dear Demetri no. I understand his decision. I am however extremely displeased with the Cullens. They will pay for this; that is a promise" With that Caius left the throne room.

Meanwhile, Lucy was at the airport trying to decide where to go 'Santorini, Greece. That sounds good, sun, sea and sand and far away from the Swans and the Cullens she thought to herself. Once she landed she checked into the hotel next to the airport and then began to search for apartments to rent on her laptop. She found a nice one-bedroom apartment with a balcony over-looking the sea and made arrangements to view it the following day.

She rented out the apartment and decided to explore a little feeling happy she found somewhere so quickly 'having the cash Demetri gave me helped' she thought. Once back at her new apartment she stood on the balcony enjoying the view when she suddenly had an idea; she took out her phone and snapped a picture and sent it to Demetri.

Hello Demetri, I just wanted to say thank you again. I hope you didn't get into trouble for letting me go. I am in Santorini, Greece and have found a little apartment to rent. This is the view from the balcony. Lucy

She attached the photo and pressed send. Demetri heard his phone's text tone and reached over to grab his phone; he saw he had a text and although he didn't recognise the number he knew it was from her. He read the message and smiled 'she's safe' he thought to himself.

Hello Lucy, you are welcome. Glad you picked somewhere nice and that you got there safe. No trouble at all, the masters understood my actions. That's a beautiful view. Demetri

"What are smiling about?" Felix asked "Lucy sent me a text to tell me where she is and to thank me again for my help" Demetri replied smiling. "I can only imagine how hard this is for you, but I'm proud of you for the way you've handled the situation. I mean I probably would have gone and torn the Cullens apart" Felix says "Thanks Fe. Trust me I thought about it but it wouldn't change anything, but...never say never"

Unloved and Unwanted - Demetri EditionWhere stories live. Discover now