Chapter Five

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Demetri could feel the start of the heartache of being away from his mate and he wished she was with him despite knowing what he did was for the best. He declined the offer to take a few days off insisting that working would be a good distraction for him. He was surprised how quickly the mate bond took effect for him; he'd only met her once and yet he missed her already. Marcus explained to him that vampires always feel the bond more intensely than humans and seeing that he knew what Lucy had gone through the last few months meant that the protectiveness part of the bond was established more quickly.

Lucy had been in Greece for a few weeks now and wasn't feeling herself. She felt like something was missing; she felt sad, lost even and didn't know why. She tried to ignore it by keeping busy; she painted the apartment, went shopping for some new clothes and bits for the apartment. She was lying in bed one night thinking about stuff when she found herself thinking of him, she dreamed of him that night.

She woke up the next morning and wrote her thoughts and dream down in her journal.

Journal entry – 25th September 2007

I went shopping for some new stuff for the apartment to try and make it feel like home – it still doesn't feel like home. I bought 2 new bikinis and a new red dress, not sure why a red dress but it looked nice. I couldn't sleep at first, my mind wondering and I found myself thinking of Italy, thinking of him – Demetri – he was nice to me, he gave me money for a new life, he wanted me to be happy. He let me go despite the consequences he probably faced from my cruel mate. I felt sorry for him when he said that he had no mate as he seemed so kind and caring. Why couldn't Demetri have been my mate, I bet he wouldn't have rejected me.


I am back in Volterra on the day I am supposed to meet my mate. I meet Heidi outside and we talk; then she takes me to the throne room to meet Aro, Caius and Marcus. Aro and Caius read the letter from the Cullens and we talk about me being mated to one their elite guards, being unwanted and locked away by him. I then go with Heidi to her room and have a relaxing bath before Jane brings me some dinner. I then have a good night sleep before having breakfast bought to me by a handsome vampire; Demetri. He is very nice and asks how I am and just listens to me talk about me being told I have a mate, but that I'm unwanted by him and will be rejected by him, before taking me in his arms and comforting me, telling me that if I was his mate he wouldn't reject me, he would want me, he would love me. He'd show me the world and we would be happy together forever.

Then I woke up and realised that was never going to happen. Since leaving Italy I feel like there's something missing but I don't know what, maybe I'm just being silly. After all I'm truly all alone now, I don't even have any friends : (

End of journal entry.

Demetri, Felix and the twins were sent on a mission to observe some rogue vampires, possible newborns and dispose of them if needed. They were only two hours away from Santorini, from Lucy but no one mentioned this to Demetri as they knew he was aware of this fact; that he probably felt the mating pull towards her. "If you want to go check on her, we won't tell anyone" Jane said softly "Thank you, but I don't think it's a good idea Jane" He replied. The four of them stood in silence observing their targets from a distance.

'I wonder how she is, what she's doing right now. Is she happy?' Demetri couldn't help but think of her 'Maybe I should go check on her, just to check that she's safe'

"They're not doing much so I'm going for a quick hunt" He said and took off towards her; he was the fastest of the four so it didn't take him long to get to her as he was able to track her easily. It was late when he arrived, so he stood on the balcony and looked in to see her sleeping on the sofa. He tried the door and it was unlocked; he was both happy and frustrated at this. He stepped inside and quietly had a look around. He gently lifted her off the sofa and carried her to the bedroom and tucked her into her bed "Goodnight mi amore" He whispered. He went to leave her room but his eyes caught her open journal on the desk as he passed; glancing down briefly he saw the entry was dated the day before, he knew he shouldn't read it but he was curious to see what she had been up to. He reads the entry and can't help smiling at what he reads, she thinks of him, dreamt of him; dreamt of being with him as his mate. His smile fades as he finishes reading the entry; she feels like something is missing since leaving Italy and she is all alone. 'I'm going to bring her home to be with me, where she belongs no matter how long it takes'

He leaves the apartment and makes his way back to the others, making sure to drain one human as to not arouse suspicion from the others, although they knew where he really went.

Lucy wakes up in bed not remembering how she got there. She showers and dresses before leaving the apartment and makes her way into town to look around and explore. She visited the library and noticed a poster advertising courses at the community college. She goes and picks up a course prospectus and looks through it to see what course/s interest her. She decided to enrol in an Aromatherapy Massage course 'sounds like fun' she thought to herself.

Once back at the castle Demetri goes to find Heidi and finds her with her mate Corin "Hi girls I need some advice" He says walking into Corin's room "How can we help?" Corin asks, Demetri sighs "Where do I start?" He sits on the sofa the girls join him and wait for him to begin "I went and saw her" They didn't need to ask who he was talking about "We were a few hours from where she's living and I went 'hunting' alone. She was asleep on the sofa when I arrived; so I carried her to bed and upon leaving her room, I spotted her journal on her desk" "You didn't?" Heidi asks "It was already open on the previous day's entry and I was curious as to how she had been" He replied "And what did you find out?" Corin inquires "She thinks of me, dreamt of me, dreamt of being with me as my mate" He replies smiling, looking between the two vampires "Of course she doesn't know I'm her mate. She thinks I'm just the tracker that her mate would have sent after her had she ran" He adds. Heidi and Corin nod at him to continue.

"She also mentions that since leaving here she feels like there's something missing; she hasn't made any friends either, she feels that she is truly alone" His smiles vanishes "I missed her terribly only after meeting her once but now I've seen her's getting worse. I want her; no I need her with me" He looks down at his hands in his lap. "Sounds to me like you've made up your mind about getting her back" Heidi said smiling "I've waited a long time to meet my mate and I'll be damned if I'm going to let the Cullens ruin this for me, for her, for us" Demetri replied and thought for a moment before continuing "I just don't know how to go about it. That's where I need your help" Heidi and Corin look at each other smiling "We'll help you anyway we can, promise" They say together and Demetri looks up at them and smiles "Thank you."

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