Chapter Seven

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"How was your trip?" Felix asked Demetri as he entered the throne room ready for the 'tour' "It went for well. We spent time together having fun and getting to know one another. We've agreed to text each other daily to stay in touch" He replied "I'm glad things went well for you. You know Heidi is waiting for an update" "Well she'll have to wait till after the 'tour'" He said smiling.

Two months later and Demetri was back in Santorini with Lucy. "Hello Sparkles" She smirked at him "Hello little one" He smirked back. "How are you?" She asked as she back to allow him to enter the apartment "I'm fine thank you Lucy, you?" "I'm ok too. I'm really enjoying my course" "Good, I'm glad" He responded with a smile and followed her into the lounge. "I do need to practice though" She said as looked at him through her lashes "Just let me know when you want to practice" He replied with another smile.

He had agreed to her giving him a massage as she needed the practice although he was a little nervous as he didn't know what to expect. Lucy put a beach towel on the lounge floor; placing a bottle of aromatherapy oil next to the towel whilst Demetri removed his shirt and trousers to be left in just his black boxers. Lucy was wearing a pair of blue shorts and a white strappy top.

Lucy closed the blinds on the balcony door and waited for Demetri "Where do you want me?" He asked walking from the bathroom "Lie face down on the towel please" She replied pointing to the towel on the floor "Thank you again for letting me practice on you" "You're welcome. I'm looking forward to this as it's something I've never experienced before" He told her.

Lucy sat over Demetri placing one leg either side of his waist and poured some of the Vanilla essential oil into her hands; she then rubbed her hands over his back and shoulders ensuring to cover the area to be massaged. "Let me know if the pressure is ok" "Will do" She began moving her hands up his back, across his shoulders and down his arms, then worked her back up his arms, across his shoulders and down his back. She repeated this action a few times, before applying a little pressure whilst trailing her thumbs up his spine and down again. "How's the pressure?" She asked "It's ok, but you can apply more pressure if you want" "Ok, I keep forgetting you're more durable as a vampire" She chuckled. "It's ok darling, remember you're just starting out, you'll get better and more confident the more you practice" He encouraged "Thank you, you're so sweet" They were both smiling though neither could see the other's face.

Another four months have passed and Demetri had made regular visits during this time, mainly long weekends but he did manage to spend a whole week with her, which he fully enjoyed.

Here he was with her again and they had spent the day together shopping; he had bought her an emerald green sleeveless dress and a pair of black sandals. "I'm taking you out for dinner tonight, hence the new dress and shoes" He smiled at her "Thank you Dem for the new outfit and for taking me out. Are you going to be ok though, considering..." She said looking around her "You're welcome and yes I'll be fine. Thank you for thinking of me"

They enjoyed a lovely evening together at a Greek restaurant that overlooked the sea, before taking a walk along the beach hand in hand. "Thank you for tonight. I had fun" She said smiling at him "Thank you and I had fun too" He replied.

Once back at her apartment they put a film on to watch but she fell asleep in his arms less than 30 minutes later so he gently picked her up and laid her in bed and climbed in beside her and held her "I love you" He whispered knowing she couldn't hear him. It was then that he decided she needed to know they were mates; that she needed to come back with him as it was killing him to be apart from her.

The following day was too sunny for Demetri to go out so they cuddled up on the sofa watching a selection comedy and romantic films finishing with a horror film in the evening when Demetri suddenly said "I think we need to talk darling" "Er ok sure" She pauses the film and turns to face him "What did you want to talk about" She asked feeling a little nervous "I know you may not want to talk about it but the first time I met you; you said some things that I need clarifying" She nodded signalling him to continue "I need to know what you meant when you said you'd be locked away forever" He asked gently "Edward told me that the Volturi do not usually allow newborns in the castle; however, they would make an exception for me and that I'd spend my newborn years in the dungeon and provided my mate remembers I'm down there; he'll come and get me and take me to a room in one of the towers where I'd spend eternity once I'm no longer a newborn."

Demetri felt his undead heart break upon hearing this, but he needed to know more "Do you know why your mate was to reject you?" He knew he wasn't going to like the answer but he had to know "Rosalie said he has a reputation for being a Casanova and is not likely to give that up for a mate; especially not for a human mate" He could feel himself getting angry; not with her but with the Cullens 'how dare they tell her that about me' "Rosalie also said the Volturi do not like humans much so for one of their elite guards to have a human mate, it wouldn't go down well; hence the rejection because he wouldn't want me" She said quietly looking down at her lap.

Demetri wrapped his arms around her holding her close "The Cullens' don't know what they're talking about" He said gently "You're perfect just as you are and you would have been wanted" He placed a kiss on top of her hair and rested his head gently on hers. He heard her gasp "Y-you're him?" "Yes. Yes I am" He kissed her hair again "Why did you not tell me sooner?" She asked quietly "How could I Lucy? You would never have given me a chance" He replied softly "I promise that you will never be locked away in the dungeon or the tower. Your place is by my side forever mi amore" He answered her; she lifted her head to look at him and she saw the unshed tears in his eyes "Y-you don't mean that" She felt tears building behind her eyes "I do mean it. You are my mate and I have waited over 1000 years to meet you and I will spend another 1000 years telling you what you mean to me if that is what it takes for you to believe me" She nods as he lifted her gently onto his lap so she was facing him; placing a kiss to her forehead before placing a hand on the back of her head and resting it against his chest holding her close as tears slid down her cheeks. "You're mine always" He whispered into her ear and he felt her nod slightly against his chest.

The following morning Demetri made Lucy her favourite breakfast consisting of chocolate chip pancakes topped with bananas. "Thank you, you didn't have to this" "I know, but I wanted to. You are my mate Lucy and I want to look to after you" He replied "You really mean that don't you" She smiled at him "Of course I mean it. Which is why I want to ask you something" Lucy took a bite of pancakes "Mmm" He chuckles at her "I wanted to know if you would consider moving back to Volterra with me, as my mate? I promise to look after you, to keep you safe." Lucy said nothing, just looked at him "Lucy? You know me. I wouldn't hurt you" "I-It's not t-that" Tears slipping down her cheeks, he rushes to her side and takes her in his arms "I just never thought I'd get to be with you" She sobbed against his chest "Oh mi amore. I wanted you from the first second I saw you" He said softly "B-but you let me go..." She continued to sob "I did but only because of what you had told me. I thought you'd never want me, never love me or believe that I wanted you, that I could love you" He said honestly "If you love someone you let them go and if it's meant to be they find their back to you. Is that it?" Lucy asked curiously "Exactly Lucy. We have stayed in touch; I've felt the mate bond get stronger over these past months and it hurts more each time I leave you" "I know Dem it hurts me too. I'm just scared; scared you might change your mind about me, about us" He took her face in his hands "I would never change my mind about you. You are mine and I'm taking you home with me as that is where you belong. As I said last night I've waited over 1000 years for you" She nodded at him smiling "When can we go home?" His eyes lit up and he gave her a big smile "As soon as you are packed. Come on I'll help you" He took her hand in his and started towards the bedroom "Wait. My course, it finishes in a month. I'd like to finish it first" "Ok. One month then you come home to me" He replied and she nods wrapping her arms around him.

Unloved and Unwanted - Demetri EditionWhere stories live. Discover now