Chapter Six

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The following day Heidi helps him order a bouquet of pink lilies online from a florist near Lucy's apartment. He picks a card and writes a message as Heidi suggests

Lucy, Just a little something to say 'welcome to your new home' Demetri x

The following afternoon Demetri received a text from Lucy

Hi Demetri, thank you for the flowers. They're beautiful. I hope you are keeping well x

Hi Lucy, you're very welcome. I'm glad you like them. I am well thank you, you? X

I'm ok. I've just enrolled in an Aromatherapy Massage course at the community college – figured it's something fun to do. You been up to much? X

Aromatherapy Massage – not sure what that is exactly but good luck with the course. Went on a 3 day mission with Felix, Jane and Alec. I had to track some rogues and newborn vampires that were drawing too much attention x

Thank you. Aromatherapy Massage involves using scented oils to give a massage, different oils have different qualities so it kinda personalises the massage for each person. Your mission sounds interesting if not a bit dangerous? X

Thank you for explaining Aromatherapy Massage to me, it sounds very interesting. The mission was a little dangerous but I had back up and I've been doing this a long time so it was ok. Exhausting because they're newborns but ok x

See that's where a massage would be beneficial. If vampires do that kinda of thing x

I'm not aware of anywhere that does massages for vampires, but then again I don't know much about them. Heidi may know x

So there's a whole new market out there ready to be conquered – massages for Vampires. Good to know x

Are you offering your services then Lucy? ;) X

'Never thought I'd be flirting with my mate by text after I set her free' He thought to himself smiling

Maybe ;) Although I'm not sure how good I'll be at it x

Practice makes perfect Lucy x

Does that mean you'll let me practice on you? ;) X

'She's flirting back a little. This gives me a reason to see her again'

I'd be happy to let you practice on me, after all I did say if you need anything to let me know x

Aww thank you. Feel free to come and visit, it'll be nice to have a friend x

Thank you for the invitation, I'll come and see you soon. Take care x

See you soon & take care too x

That night Demetri told Heidi about Lucy and him exchanging texts and how it ended with her inviting him to visit whenever he wants as friends. "Friends is good Dem. You can use that as a foundation to build a relationship on" Heidi says smiling "You think it's a good idea then?" He asks nervously "I do, but bear in mind each time you leave her it may hurt a little more" "I will and thanks" He responds.

Demetri spoke with Aro, Caius and Marcus telling them about his text exchange with Lucy "I know it's a lot to ask especially after I let her go; but I was hoping you would support this opportunity for me to get to know her more with the intention of bringing her home as my mate when the time is right" "Of course we support this my dear boy. This is a way for you to get to know her and for her to get to know you without it being forced. We'll give you a year Demetri and then we'll review the situation" Aro says smiling "Thank you master Aro. I appreciate your support and the time given to spend with her" He replies "Go and spend a few days with her next week and see how the ground lies; before making extended trips to see her" Caius responds with a smile "Thank you master Caius"

Unloved and Unwanted - Demetri EditionWhere stories live. Discover now