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It's nearly complete.

The King is in his hibernation. Thron's friends were easier to manage now that he had returned to Arcadium, so everyone else he needn't worry about. Hères was finally getting things his way. He knew it wouldn't last; that The King will wake up in who knows how long, punish him in some way, Thron would obviously take his side... but for now, Arcadium was his.

Sitting on the throne, Hères smiled as the sound of guards bringing Thron to him echoed through the Great Hall.
Yes, he will get what he wants.

Thron, arms bound tightly behind his back, just enough to give a lick of pain to show obedience. His skin had a nice sheen of sweat to it, and that perfectly sculpted, golden hair now slightly out of place. Hères was already enjoying this, he knew that he couldn't physically break Thron all that easily. He could, however, break some of that conviction of his. Maybe some of his spirit too.

A cat with a mouse.

The guards stopped Thron at the bottom of the stairs to the throne, right at Hères's feet. The god motioned for them to leave, giving only one command, "No one shall enter. No one."

Watching a panting and confused Thron, the bronze-plated god stands once he hears the heavy doors close.

Thron takes this moment to finally speak. "Hères, what is all this about? I return home as you ask, these restraints are unnecessary, I thought it was an emergency, where's my fath-"


The single word reverberated off every wall of the hall, echoing through the air.

"You will not speak unless I ask you to, do you understand me?"

Thron can only stare at his adversary, feeling even more confused but complying, for now.

Hères smiles slowly, innocently, reaching out to ghost his fingers over the ends of Thron's hair. So beautiful and pure-looking, aesthetically pleasing, he thinks to himself before letting out a huff. He moves back and starts trekking up the stairs to the throne before turning around quickly, making the heavy cape appear deceivingly light as it spins around him. Looking down at his physically stronger adversary, he realized how small the god looks from this height; so vulnerable.


With a come-hither motion of his fingers, the God of Victory cautiously moved up the stairs, getting to the second last step before hesitating again. He isn't afraid of Hères, he is, however, wary of his movements and his intentions. He knows his adversary is the Master of Shadows; one that can easily manipulate what you think you see - and at the rate this was going - he knows he will feel the raw end of anything Hères has planned for him.
He takes those last two steps until he's on the same platform as the other god, staring into eyes that reflected never-ending darkness.

"Kneel, Thron."

He smirks incredulously. "What?"

Something quick hits his shoulder, it's strong enough to knock him down onto one knee. He then feels the bottom of the staff pressing into his head.

"I said kneel!" Hères barks before hissing the command. "Kneel to me."

Thron obeys his command. Even though his hands are still in spell-bound chains, he ducks his head and bows to Hères. The Master has to take a step back to fully enjoy the sight he's seeing and, oh, it is a beautiful sight. He smiles once again.

"I never wanted it to be like this, Thron. We could have ruled these worlds together. One formidable union. Your strength and my mind, it would have been the strongest alliance that has ever been witnessed." Reaching out, he gently touches the strands of hair that are now hanging in Thron's face, continuing. "I was never loved or given any time to show my real abilities, so with you as king, I am disposable to your father and Arcadium.." He trails off as he thinks about his heritage, the promise of greatness marred by scandal and public ridicule. He snarled pushing it from his mind as he focused on Thron again. Thron had bitten his tongue - a trait he was never known for until this moment - curious to know more but also not wanting to elevate Hères' anger anymore.

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