Demons and Angels

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"You know me too well."

David smiled as he watched Anton read his newspaper and sip his coffee, making no move to look up at him.
"You've been ordering the same thing since the 60s - black coffee and plain white toast slathered in butter."
Anton finally looked up and was met by David's broad smile. The demon slowly sat down opposite him in the booth, watching as the angel took another sip of his coffee and went back to his newspaper.

They found themselves in this usual pattern. It would start with a somewhat quiet brunch at a cafe before they found their way back to Anton's apartment around the corner, pieces of clothing making a trail to the bed where pillows and sheets were thrown onto the floor. Sometimes ripped, sometimes left pristine, or as pristine as sheets could look after a demon and angel slept together.
David sprawled out on his back, his arm folded behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling while Anton onto his side to face him.
"You should really get a mirror for your ceiling."
Anton scoffed. "You're ridiculous, demon."
"Really, now?" Suddenly he grabbed Anton and pulled him against his chest, the demon's body curled perfectly around his lover. "I beg to differ, Antonius. Wait, what's the name you go by these days? Anton Edwards?"
Anton quirked his brow. "I am passionate, not lustful, and am not putting a damn mirror above my bed." He planted a kiss on David's lips while his fingers tangled in the loose curls at the nape of David's neck. He thought about how much he wanted times like these to stand still so they could lay here kissing each other, caress each other's human forms, listen to their hearts beating within their delicate, confined chests.

"Stop thinking." David murmured.
Anton grumbled against his lips. "I'm always thinking."
David grinned. "Do you know what I'm thinking about?"
The angel shifted slightly, his tone disinterested. "What nightmares could you be thinking about.."
"No nightmares.. dreams, real dreams.." The demon gazed at his lover's face as he kissed his shoulder. "Thinking about our first time together as lovers.. how we were fighting.." he leaned down and planted a kiss on Anton's chest, his lips brushing over the tattoo above his left nipple. "I had left you with a wound on your head.." he shifted down, lightly nipping Anton's stomach, the southern drawl that came with this body becoming more prominent. "The blood had made your eyes so.. bright.. that honey or amber shade you see those little ole insects in..." He glanced up, seeing the same eyes reflecting a brilliant amber hue. He slowly crawled back up, his body looming over Anton's. "You looked like a dream, such a good, peaceful dream."
The angel had heard the compliments so many times, yet it still made his stomach do things it really shouldn't be doing. Demons were alluring in every sense and now he was hung on David's every word. Anton tried saving face and merely hummed.

"It was the day you bargained with Robert Johnson for his soul, so you can bring anyone to their knees."
David laughed. "Well.. that's one way of putting it." He smirked, staring at Anton's lips. "There's only one person I want to see on their knees though."
Anton snorted and rolled his eyes, turning back onto his side. "Geez, could you sound anymore cheesy?"
He felt a stirring inside of him as David chuckled lowly and wrapped his arm around Anton's waist, his fingers brushing through the soft, delicate hair under Anton's navel.
"Oh, how crazy lust makes us all." He purred into the angel's ear before biting at the skin on his neck, listening to the groans escaping Anton's lips. "Mmm, I fucking love your hair a little bit longer like this.. I can grab onto it easier.."
"If your stubble and hair get any longer you're going to look like a hobo." Anton mumbled as he closed his eyes. He smiled slightly as David chuckled again.
"I thought you liked the stubble and my hair this length?" He slid his hand further down to cup Anton's balls, hearing a sighed moan escape his lips. "Besides.. you like to have something to grab onto as well if I remember fifteen minutes ago clearly enough."
Anton started grinding his ass back against David, his hand running through the demon's locks to hold his mouth to his neck. A nice and convenient way of shutting him up sometimes. David's skin felt hot against his, quickly making him sweat. Anton hated sweating; even the wet feeling drove him insane but feeling David's sweat, now that was a different thing altogether. The demon tucked Anton's leg up almost to his chest as his warm and slightly calloused hand moved gently down Anton's outer thigh to his ass, giving it a tender squeeze.
David's lips were against Anton's ear again. "Are you still nice and wet for me?"
Anton swallowed a groan and nodded slightly as David's tongue traced the outside of his ear, taking the lobe into his mouth and sucking gently before trailing wet kisses down Anton's cheek.
"Good.." David kissed the angel's jaw, easing his length back inside of Anton and stilling, not even starting to move when Anton tries to press back against him.
"Don't tease, demon." The angel growled, digging his nails into David's thigh as the demon laughed.
"I love it when you get grumpy." David purred as he closed his eyes, rocking his hips in a slow but steady rhythm. "Tell me how much you want this." He moaned against Anton's ear, his lips meeting hot skin as he gripped Anton's thigh, pulling it up. "Tell me.."
Little, ragged breaths escaped Anton's lips as gently tugged at David's hair, urging him on.
"Tell me.."
Anton swallowed a moan as David bit down on his neck, his hips snapping back against the demons.
"Just fuck me already.."
'Tell me..'
The angel's eyes were tightly shut as he tried not to grit his teeth.
"Just.. okay, I want this, just.. fuck me.."
David suddenly thrust his hips forward, his loud groans mixing with Anton's soft cries as he picks up the pace. Anton reached back further, digging his nails into the demon's shoulder blade, moaning every time David fills him with his cock, hitting that sweet spot inside of him as he tilts his hips back further.
The demon obeys, gripping the angel's leg tight as he works his hips hard against the angel, beads of sweat from his forehead smearing over the flushed skin on Anton's shoulder. The angel was mumbling words in a foreign language, mixed with whimpers and moans. He slid his hand down to his aching cock, his fingers loose around the shaft as he strokes feverishly. He turns his head into the pillow as his body starts becoming tense, shuddering as he comes, his moans muffled into the pillow. David bucks his hips, fucking hard into Anton, grunting into the angel's neck, his nails finding the soft flesh of his thigh, his hips grinding into his ass before slowly stilling.
David pants softly against Anton's ear as he kisses it, lowering the angel's thigh. Anton turns his head, all flushed red and eyes barely open as he looks back at the demon.
"You're washing my sheets later."
David looks back at him before smirking slightly. "I'll wash 'em if I can fuck you against the machine."
"Oh for fuckssake."

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