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"Oh, dude, it was only a joke!" Mark chuckled, a purring tone laced through his words as he grins, hands raised. Just the usual, innocent pose he strikes every time he plays a pranks someone, especially Jordan.

Jordan glared over from his friend's doorway. He knows that look and that Mark is playing around; but there was that hint in his eye that said he was ready for any verbal attack or rise out of Jordan.
"I do not appreciate you telling our group about that stuff!" He was angry, but really he was embarrassed at what Mark said so loudly.
Jordan watched Mark as he slowly tilted his head to the side and squinted at him, gauging him.

"You mean to tell me, Jordan Culver - the guy that goes around telling everyone he's a movie star's nephew, who shows literally the guy at the bar his top scars within like the first thirty seconds - became flustered?" Mark wiggled his finger. "Nay.. embarrassed-"
"I am not embarrassed, dude!" Jordan barked as he took a step closer to his friend, sizing him up. "Why are you such a fucking soapbox all the time?"
Mark lips curled into a small smile. "Everyone knows I'm joking, Jordan." His words were soft, calm, and cool. His attention was on Jordan's clenched jaw and his tight, thin lips. He had to admit, getting under Jordan's skin in the smallest ways and arousing any sort of emotion from him aroused him. Like playfully harassing a dog or whisking away a toy from a cat. Ahh, he may be the impossible goal for many people but to Mark, Jordan was always within reach.

Jordan looked flustered and embarrassed though. Mark silently moved to stand in front of his friend, placing his hands on his shoulders. "I'm certain that the lil honeys you've had know I'm wrong. Your.. " He glances down Jordan's body for a second. ".. talent is very, very much impressive in every way."
Jordan shrugged out of Mark's touch, feeling uncomfortable and ..strange at how Mark sounded saying that.

Ahh, attainable Jordan.

Mark let the smirk grow upon his face as Jordan turned away from him. "Jordan.." Mark starts, "I'm for saying your.." he looks down again, grinning slightly as he stares down at the shape of Jordan's ass through his clothing, "- talent is only third to your ego. Come oooon, you were just getting too cocky, had to bring you down a peg.. or three."
He lets a chuckle escape his lips, knowing that Jordan would turn around and glare at him once more before barking at him like a dog. A puppy dog. Before he could finish thinking it, Jordan spun around and glared at him.

Mark laughed. "You gotta laugh, Jord! It's even a dumb fucking joke, it's not even good!" He turns on the smile and of course, Jordan seemed to visibly relax. It's just too easy to play with him.

"Dion found it funny, but he was so high.." Like a performance that has been run through a million times, Mark gazed at his friend in something close to admiration, knowing he would eat it up. He had a proudness that was admirable but he also crossed into jock territory of pride way too much.
Jordan stared at Mark for a few more moments, waiting for the little quip. Sighing softly, he looked back at his friend. "It did sound pretty strange and plucked from an outer field."
He shared a smile with Mark and reached out to pat his friend's shoulder before suddenly grabbing his jaw and yanking him close, watching Mark's eyes widen in both surprise and confusion.

"What are you do-"
"Our new friends might not remember your joke after tonight, but just in case anyone does ask in the future, I would like you to perhaps tell them the truth for once."
Jordan's voice was deep, Mark could feel the rumbling from his friend's chest against his. What the hell was he thinking?

"Oh yes, Mark.." Jordan started, a grin suddenly painted on his face. "I am going to show you how wrong you are, friend of mine."
He spun and threw Mark down onto the bed. Moving over to the drawer, he watched as his friend lands face-down into the middle of the bed before quickly sitting up. He can see how huffy Mark looked. Huffy, overly-dramatic Mark.

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