One - Memory

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Present Day

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Present Day

Ashaki couldn't remember much of her time on LV-318, but she could remember the fear. One by one, everyone she knew was dragged away by creatures in the shadows.

The hissing, oh god, the hissing was something she would never forget. It accompanied a creature of the blackest night and the long slender dome of a head. In the shadows it made its hive.

Using the fallen miners, the creatures collected their bodies to incubate more of those...things. Those things ran rampant, killing and impregnating, until Weyland-Yutani showed up days later. Their drop ship would take Ashaki and the other survivors away...but they were quickly ambushed.

As Ashaki and the others ran for the ship, four people were taken. In the blink of an eye, they were swooped into the darkness; their screams cut short.

She could never remember the rest of the details after the escape or how she had ended up sleeping in cryo for seven decades. When she had awakened, it was to no one. Everyone else except for her had died decades ago. Somehow she had managed to get into the ship and place herself in cryo, but she couldn't remember how.

It didn't make sense!

The physicians had been adamant that she must've known how to use the cryo tubes. This was impossible since she had had her parents put her in cryo originally.

Everything was cloudy and muddled.
Being in cryogenic sleep for so long tended to do that, or so she was told. In time the memories would come back, they said.

But, there was at least one thing she remembered. Something odd and out of place; a figure that had lurked in the shadows, hidden except for burning golden eyes. She remembered those eyes so vividly but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't recall how she had seen them. The golden orbs pierced the darkness like nothing she had ever seen before.

They were beautiful.


Liquid molten gold, and when she gazed into them, her world shifted. Her existence was diminished to that single moment. It was all she had to hold onto, the only memory worth keeping.

Now, with only the memory of those hypnotic eyes, she tried to move forward. Building a new life helped to piece herself back together, but eventually she knew she would be okay. At least, she hoped. She had to.

For her family and for herself.

The changing of the music player, old rock music starting, in the dim and dirty diner drew her from her thoughts and back to the real world around her. Smoke hung in the air, a slight clove aroma accompanying it. Voices of the fellow patrons were soft and muted, no doubt everyone there but her taking part in something shady or illegal even. The oasis, one of many similar refueling stations in space, usually attracted mercenaries and scavengers, sometimes even pirates if they were bold enough to face the Colonial Marines that patrolled them.

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