Twelve - Winter's Bite

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Varying shades of gray beneath a bone-yellow sky was the view that Ashaki observed through the window.

This planet was one big Taiga. Snow drifted in piles over gray boulders and dull lichen. Strange lollipop shaped "trees" were the only life for miles, a sickly green among the grays and whites of the landscape. Their canopies looked less like leaves and more like feathers puffing off their spindly branches and black trunks. It was utterly bizarre but beautiful.

The click-clack of Dhare's claws across his wrist computer sounded behind her; the buttons made a pinging noise as he pushed them. She turned to find him standing near the bed donned in an outfit she hadn't seen yet. He wore his usual armor, but he wore a fur mantle around his shoulders and a fur loincloth. More fur wrapped around his calves and forearms. However, he wore bones that reminded her of a spine around his neck like a corded necklace. The bleached color blended into the gray and white fur, but the texture of them drew her eyes. The Yautja looked wild and primal, his long decorated locs falling down his back and over his shoulders. She had to admit to herself that he looked good, practically stylish.

Dhare had barely spoken a word to her since he had pinned her in the sand on Haven. She swore she could still feel his heated, scaled thighs against hers as he nuzzled her neck like a cat. She could feel his coiled power behind his tight control. Those tusks of his had hovered over her carotid artery, caressing and sharp. Just one bite and she would have bled to death.

It was confusing. For someone who acted like she was such a nuisance, he sure seemed to enjoy skin-to-skin contact.

Seeing her eyes on him, he turned to leave the room, but Ashaki was hot on his heels. Once in the cockpit, he stopped to open a compartment flush with the wall and pulled out a pelt. Without a word, Dhare held it out to her with a soft trill.

The fur was unbelievably soft and thick beneath her hand. The pelt had two distinct layers of hair, one long and one short, perfect for cold temperatures. Ashaki had no idea what the creature looked like alive, but it was probably stunning with fur like this. It was also a bit heavy and was a struggle to hold the bulk of it up.

"Protection from the cold." He stated, his first words to her in ages while waving a hand at the pelt.

Ashaki thought of the frigid wilderness outside, but her mind was not quite accepting that he had decided to speak to her. She pursed her lips while trying to understand his meaning.

"I will bring you with me. On the hunt."

Her eyes snapped to him in surprise. Could she really do this? Allow him to make her go on this hunt? Use her as bait? Was this a test or some way to get rid of her?

The thoughts raced in a flurry. She was unable to untangle the dense cotton that filled her head. It was only when Dhare tipped her chin up with the blunt edge of a claw that she felt grounded once again. Those eyes reminded her once again of the golden orbs in the darkness that had been a constant companion through the years. There was a calm assurance within Dhare's level stare that made her heart skip.

"It is not what you think," he slowly explained. The claw slowly curled to cup her chin in his thick finger. "You will not be harmed."

She didn't believe him. Making sense of him was frustrating, too. What did that moment on the beach mean? Why was he so...wishy-washy with her? He was more mercurial than the damn weather!

"I find that hard to believe..." she tugged herself free from his gentle hold and casted her eyes to the floor.

Dhare's mandibles twitched as he moved away to open the hatch from the dashboard. On screen, the ramp descended until it was millimeters above the snowy earth. Then he departed the cockpit for the hall outside, and Ashaki decided quickly to follow, but even then, he was already standing at the top of the ramp by the time she caught up. His shoulders dropped slightly, before turning to look at her as he placed his mask over his face.

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