Seventeen - Perfect Organism

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Madeline took notes with her data pad while Donna peeked into the cage of the writing creature before them.

The Company had sedated it for transport to Perseus 9. Lining the walls of its enclosure were layers of the strongest material known to man, Trimonite, with the final touch being the yellow, blocky Weyland-Yutani logo painted on the outside. The creature inside was hissing and spitting and still making scratches on the surface.

With a push of a button on Madeline's data pad, smoke filled the cage entering through a tube at the top, and as it filled the cage with milky white, the creature screeched more. Its strange biomechanical body glistened beneath the bright lights of the lab. The alien's long tail wrapped around its body like a strange cat as it sat on its haunches. The sharp point, used for piercing its prey, swung dangerously back and forth. It still hissed viciously every time Donna came closer.

This was the first time Donna had one of them. Her dark eyes analyzed every detail of the strange black alien. She spoke into a recording device while Madeline continued to write.

"We have here the Internecivus raptus, known colloquially as the "Xenormoph" or "bug." The specimen is both vertebrate and coleopteral in appearance, with a protective dark exoskeleton. Previous studies have concluded the creature's skin is made from protein polysaccharides, a substance similar to chitin. This indicates that the specimen has natural resistance to environmental factors such as heat or cold." Donna walked around the metal rectangular enclosure of the Xenomorph to get a better glimpse. She had a flickering instinct, powerful and intense, to never let the alien out of her sights.

"This Xenomorph has a long, elongated head that curves back like a banana. There's an absence of visible eyes, so I assume it must have echolocation like bats or electroreception like we see in sharks to detect the electromagnetic fields animals produce. This specimen has strange structures along its dorsal side. They're long and curved, appearing to look mechanical despite the organism being organic." She stopped to crouch down so she could see the dark alien's features better.

The Xenomorph leaped and crashed against the side of the cage, clawing at the walls. Donna immediately jumped back in fright, clutching her chest to calm her rapid beating heart.

"I've never seen such a thing..." Madeline murmured, circling the creature as she took photos of it with the tablet. "Dr. Traegar, why did The Company put this thing in a flimsy cage? If it's this dangerous, why aren't there extra precautions to prevent another mishap?" She turned her brown eyes to Donna, who stood away from the cage, staring at the Xenomorph. Dr. Traegar's chest heaved as she forced herself to calm down, knowing the Xenomorph couldn't reach her.

Donna smirked darkly. "It's being held in a container made of Trimonite. There's also an acid-proof lining." Her thumb jabbed in the direction of the unconscious Xenomorph. "This thing isn't going anywhere anytime soon."

The younger woman swallowed the rising lump in her throat. A shiver shook her body as she put some distance between the cage and herself. There was no way out, not with the many safety precautions The Company had put in place, but there was a slim chance. Too many accidents had occurred around this species, according to the reports.

Could this be the hubris of man? The very thing that could one day wipe out their species? Just looking at it in repose filled her with disgust. Madeline imagined the cosmic horrors that could come about because of this...parasite of an alien.

"It's alright, Madeline. It won't escape. Not here, anyways." Donna assured, her dark mood lightening. A small smile softened her features as she patted Madeline on the shoulder.

She scratched an itch on her side as she nodded, her ponytail swaying back and forth with the motion of her head. She felt anything but agreement.

Some hours ago when their other specimen arrived, the construction was completed. All around them were bright white LED lights that caused the black linoleum floor to shine beneath their feet. The walls, at various intervals, had white padding that insulated any noise. Machines whirred here and there around the room. Some were working to keep the laboratory's air cold and sterile, while others would be needed to conduct experiments.

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