Chapter 2: Why is it so dark?

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Narrator's POV:

The next day Tommy woke up it was dark, he couldn't see anything but he felt warm for some reason and he liked it.

He moved around a bit just to be stopped by arms pulling him back.

"Your gonna fall idiot..." He heard Dream murmur, Tommy was confused because Dream was legit hugging him and he felt pain in his arm and eyes then, the memories of last night came to his mind.

Then he started crying for being so weak, Dream was quick to comfort him, "Toms, what's wrong?" Dream asked tone soft relaxing Tommy a bit.

"I remember what happened last night.... I'm sorry I was weak-" Before Tommy could finish Dream cutt him off "Toms, your not weak. Your one of the strongest kid I've ever seen, don't tell yourself that." Dream said taking his mask off so Tommy would be more comfortable.

Tommy had seen his face, so Dream didn't have to panick.

Tommy just nodded still crying though.

{I suck at this (●__●)}


After Tommy stopped crying, Dream decided to say, "Are your eyes okay?" He asked, Tommy was quiet. He didn't know what to say. It was just dark, nothing but black.

"I-I don't know," He answered softly

"Okay, I'm gonna carefully remove them okay?" Dream softly said, Tommy only nodded softly winching Dream pressed to hard.

Muttering a small sorry, Dream carefully removed the dirty and bloody bandages and gasps in horror.

"What?" Tommy asked, his eyes still hurt so he couldn't open his eyes yet.

Dream said nothing at first."Tommy, can you... Open you eyes? He softly asked.

Tommy hesitated but slowly nodded, he struggled but managed to do it. Opening his eyes, the first thing he said was,

"Why it is so dark...?"


Tommy balled his eyes out, crying on Dream's shoulder, as Dream pats his back in a comforting way.

"What if I-I don't g-get to s-see Tu-tubbo ever a-again?" Tommy chockes out.

"No, don't say that Tommy. We'll find a way." Dream reassured softly, patting his back.

"H-how?!" Tommy sobbed.

"By going to L'manburg."


A/n: Sorry this took so long, I didn't have any ideas for this. And this really sucked but I'll get better next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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