Chapter 1: Pain and nightmares

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{A/n: Helloooo welcome to Chapter 1 hope ya enjoy!}

Tommy's POV:

I was in my exile sitting on a log watching the sunset, yes, my best friend exiled me for what's good for L'manburg. But honestly, it wasn't that bad slowly these days Dream was becoming less strict, sure he still blows up my stuff but he's been treating me alright. And I really liked it,

he was like another brother figure, Wilbur was my brother when he was alive but when he became insane I don't see the Wilbur I know. Then there's Phil, our father, I knew damn well that he pickes favorites and that was Techno my other brother. He wasn't the best father to have, he wasn't there for me unlike Dream. Techno well that lasted a week, he betrayed us because we betrayed him and destroyed L'manburg with withers.

I may don't trust Dream just yet but something tells me to trust him, so I did. He talks to me to keep me sane, he gives me therapy, he comforts me at night when I have nightmares, hell we even built a house together.

I sighed as I stood up and walked over to tnrent and took out my axe to get some wood to build a tower. Yes I am building another pog ass tower.

I grabbed my lantern and started to walk into the forest to chop some wood.

As I was walking I heard growling of a Zombie, I ignored it at first but suddenly it's growling started to get closer. I was immediately alarmed and pulled out my axe from my back and looked left and right.

I let out a shaky breathe then suddenly the Zombie came out behind the trees holding an iron sword. I panicked and tried to kill it but it was really skilled, "Shit, am I that weak?" I said under my breath, then pain came through my arm, I look at it and there was blood the fucking prick just sliced my forearm making a scar!

"Not gonna lie, I'm gonna be bad ass with th-" I was cutt off by pain coming to my eyes. I let a cry of pain loud enough to make someone hear and fell to the ground and started to get unconscious, my ears started ringing, until I heard footsteps as if someone was running to me and muffled screaming.

Their voice was familiar... Dream? I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't they hurt... So I called out Dream's name.

"Dream-..." I muttered before going unconscious.

3rd person:

"Dream-..." Was all Tommy could say before passing out making Dream panick and pick up the young blonde and started to sprint to his exile.

"Shit, shit, shit! Tommy don't pass out on me please!" He said quickly entering the tent and placed him down on his bed and started to clean him up. He slowly look at his eyes and gasped. They looked really bad, really bad that it might get an infection.

Dream, being the admin summoned a lot of bandages and a piece of cloth then started to clean up some of the left over blood, he also patched his badly sliced arm.

He sighed as he finished. He was really tired and sad since George and Sapnap didn't want to be his friend anymore, he cried silently not wanting to wake Tommy up but luck wasn't on his side since heard his name.

"Dream?" Tommy muttered softly in his sleep, Dream looked up and saw him eyes were still close then he suddenly started shaking, "Dream? Help... Please.... Tubbo- Phil- Wilbur.... Please *sobs*" Tommy sobbed and started to roll around left and right crying out his loved ones names.

Dream quickly scrambled off where he was sitting and sat on the side of the bed pulled the other blonde to his chest sushing him quietly, and softly, muttering things like 'It's okay', 'I'm here' or 'calm down' or 'Everything is okay Toms' which made Tommy stop but still shaking and sobbing hiding his face in the green man's chest.

Dream slowly scooted closer to the bed softly laying down still cooing and having Tommy on his chest. Soon, Tommy stopped shaking and sobbing and fell back to sleep in his brother's {oops! Did I say brother?🤭} chest going back to dreamland. Dream smiled and slowly started to get sleepy, he hasn't had a goodnight sleep in a while with all the drama happening.

When he fell asleep with Tommy, a certain Ghost was watching from afar. The ghost smiled, "Thank you Dream... I hope your a better brother than I was..." He said before floating away.

{A/n: This sucked didn't it? I told ya people I am not a good writer! I just write for fun which is! And I might update a lot because I have my Karlwastaken fanfic up so yeah, I have two books to update on!}

{A/n: This sucked didn't it? I told ya people I am not a good writer! I just write for fun which is! And I might update a lot because I have my Karlwastaken fanfic up so yeah, I have two books to update on!}

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Au revoir! -MCYT2021

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