This Is the Part Where You Run (2)

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         Right after Josie and Lizzie left I took a shower and got a change of clothes

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Right after Josie and Lizzie left I took a shower and got a change of clothes. Dr. Saltzman called me down to watch and learn how they make the humans forget everything so easily. As I make my way down I heard a faint "Hey new kid" I turn around a see a well dressed short kid with a big smile. "What's up" I say and the boy replies with "Just wanted to introduce myself bro, names MG I'm a vampire." "Cool name I'm Liam." I reply "You heard about the party at the old mill yet?" "Yeah actually the twins invited me." "Oh sweet yeah come find me at the party and I'll introduce you to some vamps." "Sounds good thanks MG, where ya headed to?" "Dr S wants me to compel some human to forget about the school." "Yeah he called me down too let's walk together." I say and we walk to the headmasters office while conversing about the school. As we get closer to the headmaster's office I can already hear Landon begging Dr. Saltzman to stay. I honestly feel for the kid I really do but humans and supernaturals never mix, I learned that the hard way. Eventually MG starts compelling Landon. We all thought it worked until Landon shouts "Are you two out of your minds? How could I forget any of this?" After he says this Hope and MG start bickering that he did it wrong while everyone is in a state of panic besides me. Suddenly Landon tries to run out but MG chokes him causing him to pass out. Dr. Saltzman then tells MG to bring him to the werewolf cellars and MG and I do just that. As we walk down through all of the cages I get a bad feeling. Just looking at all the cells down here gives me the chills. I feel bad that Landon has to stay down here for a full 24 hours but there's nothing I can really do about it. Dr. Saltzman said sometimes the sheriff puts vervain in the water supply so that's probably why Kirby can't be compelled. After my weird morning I go back to my room to finally have some peace and quiet. Until yet again I'm interrupted by a knock on my door. I go to open the door and it's Hope. We look at each other for a minute with an uncomfortable silence which is what usually happens until she says "Hey um Dr Saltzman wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come train with us, he thought you could use some tips on fighting." Little does she know I've already learned karate, judo, and king fu. "Yeah sure why not" I reply.

     We're now out by the lake and Hope and Dr Saltzman go at it first. They thought it would be good for me to watch how they do it first. Hope seems to be mad at Saltzman probably since he locked her weird little boyfriend in a cage. I can already tell what Hopes gonna do before she even thinks about it, it's weird I think fast I don't know how else to explain it it's like my superpower or something, well besides the fact that I'm a fucking werewolf. I then snap out of my thoughts when Hope uses a spell to knock Saltzman on his ass and I let out a laugh. "Cheater" he says. Hope then signals me to come over there and says "Your turn to get your ass kicked Hale." She honestly terrifies me, even if I had all the powers in the world I think I'd still be scared. "I don't hit girls" I say. "Don't worry, you won't" she says with pride. My plan is to mostly dodge her I would hit a girl if they deserved it like you know if they were a monster or villain but I don't want to hurt Hope. Suddenly Hope throws a punch at me that I easily block. I just block her punches and kicks for a couple minutes until she says "Hit me I can take it." I then obey her and start throwing punches of my own hitting her only a few times. I glance over to Dr. Saltzman and he looks kind of shocked with my sudden skill in fighting. I then get tired of this back and forth thing with Hope so I just sweep her legs and flip her over pinning her down. "That was easier than I thought it would be." I say "Thought you said you've never actually fought someone before." She mentions "I may have had a few lessons when I was younger." I reply and told them I should go rest. First I head to the kitchen to get a snack but then hear glass breaking, a lot of it. As I walk in I'm greeted by a knife inches away from my head. "Oh wow let's not try to kill me on my second day here okay?" I joke "Sorry it's just forget about it." Lizzie then says. "Lizzie what's wrong you can talk to me." "I accidentally blurted out something insensitive to Raf and now he probably won't talk to me ever again." "Hey hey I'm sure he'll talk to you again he probably just needs a minute. Werewolf's are stupid when it comes to stuff like this to be honest with you Lizzie, just apologize and I'm sure he'll let you get to know him and he can realize how beautiful and kind you really are." "You think I'm nice?" "Yes Lizzie I do." I then pull her into a hug to comfort her. Dr Saltzman then walks in and I get up to give her space. "I'll talk to you later Liz." She nods and I leave.

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