We're Being Punked, Pedro

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     It is now morning and I'm happier than ever

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     It is now morning and I'm happier than ever. The girl I liked kissed me and the school has their knife back. Although I wonder what Landon and Raf are doing right now, I wish I could help them. I start walking to my class as I spot Hope talking to Mg I keep walking due to not wanting to bother their conversation. I also don't kinda want to even talk to her if I'm being honest. I don't think I've ever been this nervous near someone before and after last night I don't know what me and Hope were. Maybe she just kissed me out of pity because I had got knocked out a few hours before. Or maybe she was just sad Landon left and she wanted to fill in what was missing. Anyway today I think I'm going to have a Hope free day. I don't want to bother her today after all she told me last night. Hope had told me about her run in with a dragon, A FUCKING DRAGON. I couldn't believe it. Last night was nice I didn't really have anything to worry about and me and Hope both talked the whole night until she went to her room to go to sleep. I finally get into my physics class and sit down. Physics is definitely not my favorite class and it's even worse to have it as one of my earlier classes in the day. Midway through the period a letter appears almost out of no where and the teacher reads aloud "Liam Hale please report to Headmaster asap." I grab my belongings and head to Dr Saltzmans office. Even though I know he's probably going to be mad that I let Lizzie start a fight at the game yesterday I'm just happy that I get a free ticket out of physics. I knock on the door and Dr Saltzman opens it for me. "Hey Liam" "I'm sorry about yesterday I know you trusted me to take care of Lizzie and trust me I tried but it all just happened so fast." "Liam there is no need for an apology I actually wanted to apologize to you, Dorian told me what had happened and how you dodged a punch for Lizzie, I wanted to both apologize and thank you. I understand since you have got to the school you've been a big help in Lizzie's life and mine." "Oh uh thank you then," I say. Dr Saltzman than says "Although since you all started a fight with the local highschool I'm forced to punish you all. Lizzie, Hope, and Josie will be joining us soon and I can explain what you will all be doing a little more in depth."

     Me, Josie, Lizzie, Dr Saltzman, and Hope all enter the Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library. "This makes no sense Dad why are we being punished?" Lizzie says agitated. "Because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here," He replies. "We'll you weren't mad last night." "I was mad last night, my undying love for my daughters just happened to trump my rage. I volunteered everyone in the game so stop complaining. You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time." "Can I at least offer a rebuttal in my defense, if it pleases the court? First of all I was provoked my response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse that I was forced to endure and secondly I'd anyone should take the blame it's Josie" Lizzie says and Josie with a suprised face says "what?" "I'm sorry I totally cracked under cross but if you had just let Kaleb catch the ball.." "You'd still be in trouble." Dr Saltzman says and hope then speaks up "But nice job throwing your sister under the bus." Josie then thanks Hope for backing her up and I just stay quiet not wanted to intervene. "Speaking of the bus leaves in ten minutes and I expect all of you to be on it, working together today, harmoniously and without drama end of debate." Dr S says "I wasn't even at the game. Why am I being punished?" "You know what you did. All right now go, all of you. Come on." Me, Josie, and Lizzie then leave the room to go get on the bus. I catch up to Josie and say "Hey Jo just so you know I think you did the right thing, we all should have just listened to you in the first place." "Thanks Liam I'll see you on the bus." She reply's with a smile on her face and I return the smile.

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