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So, Mega-Gallade went hunting for some Goldeen. He ran back to the place he slept the previous night, where the waterfall was. So, without anything else happening, he jumped right in the water with his sharpened blades (that he sharpened with sharpening stones before training) and dived in looking for Goldeen to eat for himself, 1 or 2.

So, Mega-Gallade saw a Goldeen..

Aimed his blades..

And dug them right into Goldeen!  ..and then swam back up with the Goldeen, on his left blade. When he swam back up, he saw his crush, Goodra chilling on the log he slept on. He thought about sharing but he completely forgot about that option and focused on his meal. So, he swam to shore (still with the Goldeen on his blade), and ran to a cave, since that was a safe place from other Pokémon.

And he pretty much ate the Goldeen, gaining some levels during that process. His mind was still focused on training and beating Tyranitar, he just could not get that thought out of his mind..

So.. he trained again, for a few hours because he couldn't get it off his mind (..he had a stomachache after because he just ate and then moved a lot.. I mean a lot..!)  (..also he accidentally stepped on a thorn while training.. ouch!)

Sharpest Blades [Pokémon] (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now