Miladies. [Pearl + Amethsyt X Reader]

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I've never done something like this so hopefully it's no too bad. This was a request from ToyBonnieBunny1987 who asked for a Pearl or Amethyst X Reader one-shot. I couldn't decide which to do, so I did both :D I also did a quick sketch for the chapter cover because why not -3-
I hope you like it! Enjoy~


A gentle breeze brushes against your exposed shoulders through your t-shirt and you press your palms to your elbows, suppressing a shiver as you turn the volume of your music up. Your shorts offer little protection against the approaching mid-autumn chill. You focus on your jams, smiling to yourself with each step. Your sandaled toes sink into the sand of the beach as you stroll along the shore.
As a tourist of Beach City, you have taken it upon yourself to explore the beachfront on your first day arriving. You are only staying for a day or two, but you've taken your time-off from work a little late this year, so you figured you may as well get outside and enjoy the water before winter hits. You've heard it hits Beach City hard, with mounds of snow all around.
Humming softly to the music blasting in your old school headphones, you lower your head and stuff your hands in your pockets. The sun is fading and setting behind the looming hill that sits on the city limits. A faint chill has settled over the city but you're so lost in your music that you barely even notice.
In fact, you're so lost in your music that you don't even see the strange, cone shaped things shooting up from the sand around you. It's just a handful, but the way they spread into stars and hover around you is sort of menacing.
The mysterious creatures twist into drills and shoot for you, spinning rapidly as they zip your way. When the monsters are inches from piercing your skin, you blink and turn you head, letting out a sharp gasp and raising an arm in a desperate measure to protect your face.

Even over your deafening music, you can hear the crack of a whip and the clash of metal. Still braced for impact, you crack open one eye and gasp again. You yank your headphones off your head and gape at the two women standing in front of you. The monsters are gone and the women are smiling proudly.
You fumble for the pause button on your IPod and stumbled towards them. "You saved my life..." You mumbled, still processing everything that had just happened. The women turn. The tall, pale girl with a pretty little smile dips her head while the shorter, plumper one beams and puts a hand on her hips.
"You're welcome," they reply simultaneously. The turn to walk off but you lunge forward.
"Wait!" You cry with an outstretched hand. "What are your names?"
The tall one raises and eyebrow and turns. Everything she does is graceful. Even her shy smile looks elegant. "My name is Pearl." She says with a small bow.
The adorably plump one brushes her hair over her shoulder and smirks. A beautiful violet gem winks at you from its hiding spot on her chest. "I'm Amethyst." She replies confidently.
You smile and straightened up, regaining what little composure you possess. "Thank you so much for saving me, Pearl and Amethyst. I had my music so loud that I had no idea what was going on around can I repay you?"
Pearl frowns, "Repay us?"
"Yes," you nod, "For saving my life. Those monsters could have killed me."
"You could take us out for dinne--" Amethyst starts. Pearl elbows her in the side and shakes her head.
She turns back to you with a gracious turn of the lips. "Oh, no, no. It's our job. There's no need to repay us, really."
You shake your head insistently. "But I must! Here, let me at least walk you back to your house. I doubt you need any protection, seeing as you can clearly take care of yourselves, but it's getting dark nonetheless."
Pearl hesitates but before she can input her opinion, Amethyst holds out an arm and chuckles. "Sounds good. Let's go."
You nod thankfully and hook your arms through Amethyst's, offering a hand to Pearl. She politely refuses, explaining in mumbled tones that she isn't much into touching strangers. You laugh and smile apologetically.
Quickly changing the subject, you inquire, "So, where is your house?"
Pearl points towards a large statue of a strange woman, where a small little shack is visible underneath. "Over there."
You nod and lead the way with a goofy grin on your face the whole time. The walk there is quiet, but not in an awkward way. It's more like words just aren't a necessary thing between you three. The sun has set by now, casting a chill upon the city and drawing small, twinkling stars from their sanctuaries in the sky. It's a beautiful night, but you begin to shiver. Pearl notices and angles her head towards you.
"Do you not have a jacket?" She asks with concern.
You chuckle with embarrassment. "No. I wasn't planning on being out when it got dark so I didn't think I'd need one."
"Well that's dumb," Amethyst snorted. "Hey, look, when we get to the temple I'll give you a jacket. You can keep it, I don't get cold."
You tilt you head inquisitively. "You don't get cold?"
"Nah. I'm a gem, the cold ain't got nothin' on me."
Pearl giggles softly and shakes her head with reluctant affection. "She's right. Gems don't typically feel cold."
You blink. These ladies have more to them than you thought.
But now you've reached the doorstep of the shack under the massive statue, and you release your hold on Amethyst. You take a step back and bow jokingly. "We have reached your destination, miladies," you wink at them, earning quiet giggles from them both.
"Before you go, let me get that jacket." Amethyst says as she runs inside. The screen door doesn't even have time to close before she returns with a purple hoodie in hand. Amethyst smirks and tosses it into your arms. "Here."
You thank her graciously and wave. "Goodnight. And thank you again."
"It's no problem. Stay safe," Pearl smiles.
You hesitate for a moment before leaning to kiss their cheeks. You turn and wave behind you, running off before they can say anything. "Goodnight!" You shout into the night, still smiling to yourself as you held the jacket close.

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