Chapter 5

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Days passed, and thing were back to normal and by normal means Ryujin and Lia are irritating each other again "Oh come on that was mean. I baked those cookies for you" said Ryujin tailing Lia to her locker

"Last time you baked you used salt instead of sugar"

"I told you that was a mistake. The sugar container and the salt thing looked the same"

"Right" replied Lia placing her books in her locker

"Anyways, do you know that we have this dinner thing this afternoon?" asked Ryujin

"Yeah, dad literally reminding me every hour"

"Well, dating sucks when our dads are with us"

"It's not a date"

"Same, same"

Lia turned to Ryujin "Do you have anything else to do that to annoy me?" she asked

"Annoy? I don't know what you mean?" the other girl replied

Lia grunted and paced up the stairs leaving Ryujin in the hallway again. Ryujin then grabbed her books and stopped by the library to give back the books Lia borrowed and forgot to give back.

She then made her way to the fifth floor where their first lesson is. But as soon as she reach the top she heard a crowd of giggling and squirming girls. She was curious, so she came closer and saw Lia in the middle.

Now, she was more intrigued. So, she pushed herself in the front and saw a familiar guy. She remembers him because he always hangs around with Lia's group and he always touchy and flirty.

He's kneeling on front of the girl and Lia was clearly surprised. There were rose petal everywhere and she's holding a bouquet of red roses.

Ryujin sneered because she knows Lia doesn't like roses, especially red roses because she said that it's too common.

"I know you said you wanted the old-style kind of wooeing. And you thought I wasn't paying attention but, I am. I love you, Lia Choi. Will you be my girlfriend?" the guy asked and not Lia was taken aback but Ryujin too.

Lia didn't know what to say or even what how to react. For her, Soobin's a great guy, boyfriend material she can't be in a relationship with him knowing that she's engaged. And she kinda feels bad rejecting him because he's been courting her for about four years now.

"Lia?" Soobin asked still on his knees

"Say yes!" the crowd was cheering

"Go on girl!" Chaeryeong shouted while taking a video

"Bitch, just say yes or else I'll take him from you!" said Felix

Now Lia feels pressured. Soobin's a good friend and she really do like him. But then there's Ryujin. They never really get along that much, but she's still her fiancé. 'Come on, Lia. Think' she forced herself.

"Yes..." she finally answered

Soobin quickly jumped to his feet and hugged Lia. And while they were in that position, she spotted a very familiar figure making her way out of the crowd.

Throughout the day, Lia kept thinking on what she has done. How will her dad react? How will Ryujin react? Things just bursting inside her head. "Are you ok?" Soobin asked beside her in the canteen

She forced a smile "Yeah, I'm fine" she replied. 'What is going on? I should be happy, right? I made the right decision, right?'

After school, Soobin invited her to go out, but she refused "Maybe next time then?" Soobins asked seating on the drivers' seat

"Yeah" she replied simply

"I'll see you tomorrow then, babe" he said and tried to kiss her, but Lia turned her head and kissed her in the cheeks instead

"Yeah" she said and got out of the car.

She didn't wait for Soobin to go and just went inside the apartment. She leaned on the door still in shock on what just happened. Then she remembered Ryujin. She saw her walking away from the crowd and nerve saw her after.

Right on cue, Ryujin was making her way down the stairs while reading something from her tablet "Hey" greeted Lia

Ryujin raised her head "hey" she replied and went back to her tablet

"I guess you already know what happened?"

Ryujin grabbed an apple from the counter "yeah"


"So, what?"

"Uhm... I know you're going to tell dad. So, do what you have to do. I made this decision and I should stick on it"

Ryujin chewed her apple and stared at the other girl "I'm actually proud of you. It takes a lot of guts going against you father's wishes. You're maturing up" Ryujin tried to sound happy but failing on it. "But, don't worry, I won't tell him"

"You won't?"

Ryujin shook her head "Well, if you're happy with your decision then I should support you" she took a breathe in "In your fathers' eyes I'm still your fiancé, so I'll pretend that nothing happened. And now that you're going out with him, I should lay low and give you two some space"

"Thanks..." that was the only thing Lia replied

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