Chapter 17

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Monday came, and Ryujin figured that now that Lia and Soobin broke up, he won't be there to drive her to school "Hey Lia, uhm...why don't you hop on. We'll go together" she invited

Lia gave her the weak smile again "No thank you. I'll be driving with Chaeryeong"

"Oh, ok. I'll see you there"

At school as expected, Soobin and Lia didn't talk or interacted with each other and Ryujin witnessing this felt guilty. Though she's happy that they finally broke up, she doesn't like seeing Lia in that state. Glum and lifeless.

So, she decided to cheer her up somehow. She got home first and decided to cook every dish Lia liked. She also bought cookies and cream ice cream and chocolate cake.

She heard the door open and Lia walked inside the house. She saw the feast on the table "Hey, your home. Look I made you all you favorite" she saw Ryujin wearing an apron "I also bought you your favorite ice cream and cake"

Again, Lia just answered her with the weak smile "I'm sorry but I'm really not that hungry" she replied and went up to her room.

Ryujin was left there confused again.

That night after finishing her work, Ryujin went down to grab some water when she noticed Lia doing her homework. She looked struggling to she approached her.

"Hey, do you need help with that?" she offered

Lia turned and closed her books "Uhm... no thank you. I can handle it" she said as she packed her things up.

"Are you sure?" Ryujin asked

"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight" said Lia and went upstairs again.

The next day, Ryujin noticed that Lia haven't gone down yet so, she decided to go check in her room. She knocked first but there was no answer so, she opened it.

But to her surprise, Lia wasn't there, and her bed was fixed. So, she thought she might have gone to school early.

And she was right. She saw her with her friends in the hallway. She wanted to approach her but when Lia saw her, she walked off.

These scenarios kept on going for a week

And the next

And the next

And the next

Ryujin at this point couldn't take it anymore so, she wanted to sort things out with Lia ones and for all. So, when she got home she saw Lia in the living room, she approached her, but the girl tried to walk away but Ryujin stopped her

"Can we talk?" Ryujin asked holding Lia's wrist

"Ryujin let go of me. There's nothing to talk about" Lia replied trying to escape Ryujin's grip

"W-why are you ignoring me?" Ryujin asked. She already knows why the other girl is ignoring her. But she wanted to hear it coming from her.

"I-I'm not ignoring you" Lia said innocently

"Lia cut the bullshit. I know you're ignoring me because you're blaming me for your break-up and I'm sorry!"


Ryujin cut her off "I can't take this anymore. I can't take seeing you like this anymore. So, I decided to go. You can get back with Soobin if that's what make you happy. I... All I wanted is for you to be happy. So, this is the only thing I know" she paused "I'm really sorry" she said and went out the door leaving Lia in shock.

That night Lia didn't hear Ryujin come home. When she woke up, she went downstairs and saw no Ryujin in sight or the usual food on the table.

So, she figured she might still be asleep. And with that she went to school. But to her surprise, there's still no Ryujin. It was never Ryujin's style to bunk lessons.

When she got home, the apartment was silent like no one was there. She went upstairs to Ryujin's room. She knocked first but there was no answer.

So, she went in and saw no one. She checked the bathrooms, the library everywhere in the house but no Ryujin.

She's currently in Ryujin's room and as she was about to leave she dropped a book. She picked it up and saw something sticking out. She opened it in page 17 and saw a picture of two girls smiling.

She recognizes them. It was her and Ryujin when they were kids. This was the day before Ryujin and her family moved. They were playing in the park then they had a picnic just the two of them.

She turned the picture and saw something written on it.

'August 25, 2008

Today's my last day with my favorite person. Tomorrow, we're going far away, and I don't know if I'll ever see you again. But I'll make sure we will, or you might kick me again (Lia smiled but a tear left her eyes)

I really don't like to leave but I have to.

But before I go, I'd like to tell you something I've been keeping from you. I know you don't like me keeping secrets from you but, this one I don't know how to tell you.

Ever since I saw you, I felt this strange feeling inside me like butterflies. I asked my dad and he told me that it's love. So, at first, I thought of course I love you. You're my best friend, but then I felt like it was more than that.

So, Lia I really, really love you. And I hope you love me too


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