Chapter 11

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The next day, Lia woke thinking about what she said yesterday to Ryujin 'you're smart, you're hardworking, you're hot' She couldn't erase it. So, she grunted and went downstairs.

There was no Ryujin insight again like always. Ever since she and Soobin started dating, Ryujin kept to her word and distanced herself a bit. And like she said, she didn't say a word to their parents. Inside Lia, she feels like her days not complete without Ryujin annoying her.

She sorted things out in the living room when she noticed a photo album. She flicked through it and saw pictures of them together when they were kids, laughing. A smile crept up her mouth.

When Ryujin and her family moved, she tried her best to continue with her life. So, she did and went to England to study there but then moved back.

But then when Ryujin came back, Lia became distant not because she found out they're engaged but because she doesn't know how to act towards the other girl. She doesn't know if they're still that close and with the sudden engagement, everything's too sudden.

She saw a picture of Ryujin in a dress, probably for their prom. 'I wonder who she went with' she thought all of a sudden. Thinking Ryujin being with someone else, dancing with them, laughing with them, she felt a strange surge of anger.

So, she closed the album and felt her heart thumping 'what is happening to me? What is this I'm feeling? What are you doing to me Ryujin?'

To clear her mind, she decided to go to Soobin's apartment. Being his girlfriend and all, she thought there's nothing wrong with that as long as they don't do anything like what the reader is thinking right now.

When the elevator opened she looked for the room and found it. It has a number '11' on the door She knocked and Soobin peaked his head. "L-lia?" he asked in surprise

"Hey" the girl replied and showed the box that she was holding "I bought food"

"Uhm... yes. Wait a sec"

So, they sat in the living room eating cake and ice cream "Your place looks, cozy" said Lia looking around

"T-thanks" Soobin replied

Lia turned to him "are you ok?"

"Yeah, it's just we never really did this" he said

Lia looked at him questioningly "What?"

"No not that. What I mean is, we never really went into each other's houses. We always go out on a date. We never really went to each other's house. We never had a day in"

Lia smiled "Yeah, well there's always a first time for everything" She noticed that he wasn't eating "Don't you like the food?"

"I'm not a fan of cookies and cream but it's good"

"Oh, uhm... We can just eat the cake"

"Yeah... sure"

When Lia left, Soobin wanted to drive her home, but she declined. On the way home she kept thinking 'that was the most awkward date I've ever been in' because they just sat on the coffee and watched random TV shows and the awkwardness in the air is suffocating.

When she got home she found Ryujin in the kitchen cooking.

It was ages since she saw the girl cooking again. So, she just sat on the island table silently and watched the girl gracefully cook.

Ryujin turned and in surprise she dropped the plate "Lia!"

"Clumsy as always, Shin" she teased with a grin on her face

Ryujin rolled her eyes and cleaned the mess she made "Where did you go? When I got home you weren't here"

"At Soobin's apartment"

Ryujin nodded her head and placed the broken plate in the bin

"How about you, where did you go?"

"The company"

Lia felt like something changed about the other girl, and she doesn't know how to explain it. Yes, she's still the serious Ryujin but she's not the playful Ryujin anymore "Hey, a-are we good?" she asked

Ryujin turned to her questioningly "Yeah, why?"

"N-nothing" Lia brushed it off "Just cook me something, I'm hungry" she ordered.

Ryujin gave her a curious face "Why? Didn't Soobin take you out to eat?" and grinned "or did you do something else"

"You and your perverted brain" said Lia "Just cook me something. It better be nice and ready when I get back"

"When's the last time I cooked something not nice?" Ryujin shouted but Lia slammed the door. When Lia got back she heard Ryujin on the phone "Yeah" she smiled making Lia curious "Sure, I'll see you then" she said and hanged up

"Who was that?"

"Just a client"

"What's with that smile on your face?"

"What smile?" Ryujin asked and turned to the stove

Lia stood beside Ryujin "Who was it?"

"Like I said, she's a client"

"So, it's a she. Ryujin you better not have other women aside from me" she threatened

"Can you just eat?" she placed a plate on the table "And I don't have other women"

"You better not"

"Whywould I have another when I'm already marrying the love of my life" shewhispered 

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