Part 3

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Months passed and your illness is getting worst. Your headache is a never end and no matter how many pain killer you ate, it came back. Jay sometimes caught you taking medicine but you told him it was just a minor headache from too much work.

You also went to the doctor secretly by lying to him that you were going out with Lia. It's quite often now because the tumor is growing fast than before. You didn't like lying to him because Jay loved you dearly, he cherish you so much more than anything else but you have to for the sake of his happiness.

"I'm afraid you will have to tell your husband, so that he can sign this therapy agreement" said the doctor. "This therapy is the only way to make the tumor growth slow" "Can I sign it for her instead?" asked Lia and the doctor shook his head.

The doctor sighs and after a while he said "Hm... well... I guess your parents can sign it" You looked up to Lia and she nodded. You stares at the paper and thought about your parent's reaction to this matter. 

You thought about it a lot and after an hour of sitting at the hospital's lobby, you decided to call your parents. You told them to come to the hospital and when they asked why, you simply said that you need permission for something important.

At last, they arrived. Your mom were quite worried that when she saw you at the lobby she quickly ran towards you to check if you were doing fine. The both of them got really shocked of the doctor's explanation and even burst into tears.

"H-how could you k-keep this matter a-away from us" your mother said sobbing. Your father sighs as he sign the paper. His hand seems heavy to write on it, he puts the pen down and took a deep breathe before signing the paper as the doctor told him to take his time.

"Does Jay know about this?" your father asked as you shook your head and went silent. He sighs and then brings you into a tight warm hug with your mom as they burst into tears again. "Don't worry, I'll be okay" you said hoping your words could comfort them.

Back at home, Jay went home early from work than usual. "What brings you home so early?" you asked as you took his bag and take off his blazer and put it on the sofa. He walked towards you and pulled you into a hug. 

"Are you okay, babe?" you asked him. "I missed you. You always hangout with Lia too, you have no time to spend with me" he said. He pulled out from the hug and pouted like a baby. You chuckled.

"Wait here, I'll make you some tea" you made your way to the kitchen and started making his tea. While stirring the tea, you felt a pair of hands making its way to your waist. Jay rested his head on your shoulder.

"You scents never changed" he said making you blush. "Thanks, you smell nice too" he smiled. "Here's your tea" you turned around and handed him the mug as he takes a sip of it.

"Wanna watch tv together?" he offered and you nodded. He holds your hand while walking to the living room and the other hand holds the mug with tea.

You both spend your time in the evening cuddling together on the sofa while watching tv.

For a while you thought "I wish we can be like this forever, but darling one day I will be gone forever..."

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