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im certain we all have our good and bad days. some days are worse then others while some are considered to be better or more enjoyable. this was one of jisung's " terrible " days.

it was really not an exaggeration, considering that he was no slumped against one of the lockers, tears clouding his vision. he promised himself he wasn't going to cry. as much as crying isn't a sign of weakness, he definitely didn't want to appear a thousand more times vulnerable in front of his bully. none other than seojun.

words shattered his fragile soul as he nitpicked about his exteriors, twisting and turning his feral mind.

" no one's going to like you when you look like this.. "
seojun pinched jisung's cheeks harshly, all the blood rushing to the area.

all of a sudden, he harshly tugged on jisung's hands, his scars as visible as broad daylight in the process of his sleeves rolling up. the harsh motion not only sent jisung onto another verge of tears, but also made humiliation slither across his skin.

such an inhumane act was witness by a few clusters of students who gasped and winced, some feeling sorry for jisung but too afraid to stand up for him. no one was selfless enough. after all, they didn't want to be seojun's next target.

" tch.. i wonder who did this to you..."
seojun exclaimed in a sing-song tone, voice dripping with malicious mockery. he had such an appalled look plastered onto his face, eyes reflecting such feigned sympathy it was almost as if he wasn't the one who inflicted those scars onto jisung.

but jisung wasn't going down without a fight. knowing better than to let himself be pushed around even further, he finally spoke up.

" y-you did! just stop and let me go! I'm not going to let you push me around like this."
his voice came out meek and timid, shaking slightly. however, he slowly regained a stabilised breathing after much struggle.

" oh my goodness... you're right! okay, you can go, im so sorry! "
seojun purposefully dragged out his words, venom dripping from each enunciation. he gave jisung's bag strap one last tug, making sure to ghost his fingers along the outlines of his healing scars, making sure to whisper one last depredatory comment before nonchalantly walking away. 

as if the soul could bleed an ocean through the eyes, that was the enormity of his sobbing. with his head hung low, tears slowly poured out of his tired eyes, sniffling softly as he headed to the dorm.

he couldn't help but scratch at the area seojun's touch lingered on, feeling as if a thousand snakes were slithering across his skin, making him want to tear away at it. his untrimmed nails were only adding to the severity of the scratches. clawing and pinching at his skin, he felt his breathing quicken as the imaginary walls he placed for himself came crashing down onto him. an immense constant weight that refused to be lifted off the cervices of his chest.

" hey... "
jisung greeted weakly, refusing to let the past events get to him, although his voice got to him instead.

" hm... jisungie? are you alright? do you want to talk about it?"
minho lifted his head from the desk, clearly uninterested in the book in front of him. worried was displayed on his face, a soft smile crept its way.

" it's nothing... i won't bother you.. "
jisung tried his best to smile, the corner of his lips trembling. the urge to rub at his skin was almost impossible to ignore, growing increasingly insatiable as the minutes ticked by.

minho wasn't swayed at all by jisung's act, immediately approaching the younger. jisung stumbled a little, flopping down onto the sofa.

" jisungie..don't hide from hyung okay? it's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but I hope you know that hyung would always be here to listen and take care of you sweets.. "
minho caressed jisung's hair, watching as the stray locks fell back into place almost magically.

at that moment, minho flashes him such a gentle and warm smile that made him feel so loved and reassured.

he wondered if he was allowed to be this happy.

wordlessly,he let his face fall into the crook of Minho's neck, instantly comforted by the warmth it provided. he tried, he really did. jisung tried his best to stop the tears from falling, but they pooled around his eyes, dripping down and wetting Minho's clothes without warning.

" m' sorry.. sorry.. "
jisung frantically tried to wipe the tears that seeped through the cotton tee, trying his best not to let another flow of tears give away his current state.

" don't worry about it, cry okay? let it out. share your pain with hyung."

that sentence itself sent jisung into another flood of tears, the overwhelming feeling of being so unconditionally loved by his one and only hyung made him feel so comforted, ignoring the confusion of whether they were platonic or otherwise, those could wait. if only his words were enough to make the scratching stop. the constant and relentless itch under his skin wouldn't go away.

they stayed like this for a while, letting the comfortable silence fall onto them. none of them exchanging any words, yet everything unspoken was spoken, feeling minho rock the both of them, acting like a cradle for the both of them.

the rocking motion made the both of them feel relaxed, jisung comforted by Minho's warm embrace, unknowingly retracting his arm and placing his thumb into his mouth, sucking softly.

minho noticed, heaving a sigh of relief when he saw jisung's breathing slow down, being far from eradicated. he cooed at jisung, soon falling into a deep slumber as well.

before minho closed his eyes, he made sure to plant a gentle kiss on every single one of jisung's scars. scars aren't ugly, they are beautiful.

finally, he closed his eyes,
with jisung in his arms.

LOVE LUVS : <3 love you!! remember, im not writing bullying to romanticise it, it's really mean and can affect one very badly :((
if you are a victim of bullying, remember that it is never your fault. <3 please please seek help or talk to someone trusted ;) you are loved

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