Un paarvaiyil !

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On a snowy evening , at the roadside, A girl was sitting in the bus stop and waiting for her bus. She is a Doctor who has been working in a hospital named Yamunodra which is located under a mountain and this hospital is the only building present there ! It is built along the riverside of Yamuna. The doctor who's been sitting there at the bus stop is Pallavi.

While she was waiting there, she found a guy who is staring at her like a child looking at a candy

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While she was waiting there, she found a guy who is staring at her like a child looking at a candy. She thought that he was seeing her with a negative thought. So, she stood up with a frightened face. The boy who's staring at her, noticed her behaviour. And Pallavi began to walk fastly as there's no one to help her if she need. The boy also followed her. She was sweating and her heartbeat raising suddenly. She took her phone and tried to call her father, but unfortunately her phone was switched off !
She began to run as fast as she could, but the boy was still following her. Then, somehow she developed boldness in her and she stopped, turned at the boy and asked what he want. The boy who was following her was so tensed and hesitating to utter a word.


Then she again repeated the question. The boy showed a bouquet which he hid behind with his one hand. Pallavi was shocked. Her heart skipped a beat. And the boy kneeled down and proposed her. Before she says a word ,it started to rain. As Pallavi doesn't have an umbrella, the boy ran to the nearby shop and bought one. She has now assured that he won't do anything bad for her instead she is feeling little secured with him. They both walking under the umbrella, with their shoulders touching each other's and without saying a word. Pallavi is so nervous and she feel the warmth near him as it was very chill outside the umbrella...

He was enjoying the moment and at the sametime he was tensed that she didn't even utter a word. Pallavi was so hesitant to talk with him but she wants to. So, she asked him his name with a strucked voice and then she clears her throat. He noticed that she's trying to ask his name and he replied "Ashwin".

 He noticed that she's trying to ask his name and he replied "Ashwin"

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---------To be continued-------

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