Usuraiye tholaichen !!💔

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.......While Ashwin was thinking about Pallavi , he got a call from an unknown number. He took up his phone and said "Hello". A cute and sweet voice from the other side saying "I am Pallavi". At the time when he heard her name his heart was raining inside. Then he continues " Oh Pallavi ?! I was surprised by your call , what's the matter ?? And first of all how did you get my number ?" He asked. Pallavi laughed and asked him to come to the terrace as she was waiting there. Ashwin ran to the terrace as if he's going to catch-up a train.
After he reached the terrace, he was looking around and searching for Pallavi. But she was not there. So he turned and stepped back. But Ashwin was thinking where she was and called the number through which Pallavi called before. As he was calling , he heard a ringtone near him. Then , he found a cellphone at back of him with a broken screen . He was confused that how could its possible when he didn't see any phone while coming to terrace . So he thought that Pallavi came behind him and when he turned she ran away by leaving her phone . He then put her phone in his pocket and went down to his room.
But actually what happened is she had been kidnapped by few kidnappers, planning there to kidnap her. But Ashwin didn't realise what have happened there in real. Now, it's time for the engagement and all there were very happy and few boys have been coming with Ashwin with rose garland on his shoulders. Everyone was excited and some of the girls there were sighting him and winked at him . Although he looked at them doing all those things he was casually sitting on the groom chair with an innocent smile . And it's time for Pallavi's (The Bride's ) entry. As like the boys , some girls went to call Pallavi . But her room was locked and there was no sound from inside the room.

--------To be continued------

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