Grey Eyes

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We first met at Diagon Alley.

I was new to the wizarding world and had just discovered I was a wizard, so it was my first time in there, and I was utterly fascinated by it. I was so distracted that I didn't even see him until I literally crashed into him.

His platinum blonde hair was the first thing I noticed, and then we locked eyes. He had the most gorgeous grey eyes I had ever seen. I instantly flushed. For more reasons than one.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just look where you're going next time." He replied. His voice was silvery, clear and pleasant to my ears.

"Still, I'm sorry for crashing into you," I insisted.

"It's okay, why were you even distracted?"

"Sorry, It's my first time here."

He blinked and then asked, "Are you a muggle-born?"

"Um...I think so?" I said, "That's what you call wizards and witches that come from non-magical families, right?" I added with a thoughtful frown.

He was about to reply when I heard a shout, "Draco! Come on! we have to go to Gringotts; where are you?"

The blonde boy turned in the direction of the shout and responded, "Coming mother!" He looked back at me for a second before turning and running away.

During the rest of my time at Diagon Alley, all I could think of was a pair of grey eyes.

That wasn't our last encounter of course.

I saw him again at the Hogwarts Express, where he fought with my new friends, Ron and Harry.

And that wasn't the last time they fought (unfortunately).

Throughout the better half of my first year at Hogwarts, my best friends always had fights with him (it was getting really old).

But despite of almost seeing him every day, we only officially met again when I snuck out one night and bumped into him while I was wandering the halls.

I had just managed to sneak out of the Hufflepuff common room, wanting to explore more of the castle, when I turned at a corner and bump into something. Looking up I could briefly see a silhouette of a figure, and so an apology was already leaving my mouth before I could think (really, it's instinctive for me to apologize when I do something like this. My Mom taught me manners you know).

"I'm so sorry-" I paused, startled, when I saw icy grey eyes staring back at me, "Malfoy?" I said, surprised.

"Well, isn't this déjà vu." He said. "Do you like bumping into people or is it just me?"

I blushed, embarrassed. But I recovered quickly and retorted, "No, It's just you. You just seem to always be on my way whenever I'm walking around."

He smirked, "Well I'm not sorry "for always being in your way" as you put it, though I can't deny it's fun seeing you so flustered."

My blush deepened. "Well, it's not fun for me. I don't like being flustered."

"I never said it was meant to be fun for you." Draco replied in that ever so calm voice of his.

We continued to bicker for a few minutes until a bright smile broke through Draco's face, I couldn't help but returned it with a smile of my own. Who would of guess that Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin that the student population had dubbed The Ice Prince, could even smile so bright, especially in front of Hufflepuff's resident goofball? Definitely not me (but I wasn't complaining).

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