🕸 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟯 - 𝗜'𝗺 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲... 🕸

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May Parker was at her house, checking both her savings and the bills she had to pay: all summed up is 300$ a week, including gas, water, heaters, etc., and if you included the money needed for school the quantity rises freighteningly higher. If she didn't find a solution soon, they could lose their home. To say she was scared would be an understatement. She was there, sat on the sofa, with all the money she had (2500,25$) and all the bills scattered across the small wooden table in front of her, with her hand brushing back her hair in frustration while her eyes, hidden behind her huge glasses, were reading the terms of their house's contract, trying to find a way to save what they had.

Suddently the noise of a door opening made her shoot her head up, wide her eyes and open slightly her mouth

May: "Peter, is it you?"

A thud on the floor was heard before the one who entered the Parker's residence spoke

Peter: "Yeah, May, it's me!"

As soon as she heard Peter's voice, she started to panic, so she tried frantically to put everything back to its place: the bills, the money, the contract...

When Peter arrived in the living room, he found his Aunt by the drawer. She turned around and flashed her nephew one of her bright smiles while closing one of the last drawers with her hands on her back, while facing Peter

May: "Hey there, sweety, how was school today?"

Peter, shrugging while taking off his jacket, said

Peter: "Oh, you know, same old uneventful day. Well, apart from the fact that now I'm in the newspaper of the school."

May: "Wait, the Blue and Gold?"

Peter: "Yes."

May: "This is great, Peter! And what do you do there?"

Peter: "I'm meant to provide help with my photos."

May: "Oh, so you're getting on the camera again, huh?"

Peter: "Yeah, it has been too long since I last used it, I actually missed shooting photos..."

May: "I'm so happy for you, Pete!"

Then she hugged tightly her nephew, who returned happily the gesture with a smile on his face. After a bit the parted

May: "Are you hungry?"

Peter: "A bit actually, I'll go put back everything in my room."

May: "Sure, I'll call you when it's ready."

May went to the kitchen, while Peter looked worringly at the drawer, wondering what was inside of it that May didn't want him to see, then it clicked. He went ahead and slowly opened the drawer, discovering all the bills and savings left. Peter frowned at the discovery and saw another thing: their house's contract. He took it and started reading it, understanding that if they didn't pay everything on time they could seriously lose their home, just like Peter thought. He put everything back and went inside his room and, when he got inside, his phone went off, showing Harry's ID. He pressed the green button and answered

𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐗 𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐄 | 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗢𝗻𝗲Where stories live. Discover now